

The eagle flew swiftly over the dark woods, but the East Wind flew still more swiftly; the Co
ssack galloped over the desert on his little horse, but the Prince rode in a very different manner.
"Now you can see the Himalaya Mountains," said the East Wind; "they are the highest in Asia: we shall soon come to
the Garden of Paradise. So they turned more towards the south, and soon inhaled the fragrance of spices and flowers. Figs and pomegranates were growing wild; red and white grapes hung from the vines. Here they descended, and stretched themselves on the soft grass, while the flowers nodded to the Wind, as if they wished to say, "Welcome, welcome!"
"Are we now in the Garden of Paradise?" asked the Prince.

"No, not yet," said the East Wind, "but we shall soon be there. Do you see yonder rock, and the large cave, in front of which the vine branches hang like large green curtains? We must
go through it. Wrap your cloak around you; the sun burns here; but take a step farther, and you will find it as cold as ice. The bird which is flying past the cave has one wing warm as summer, and the other as cold a
s winter."
"So that is the way to the Garden of Paradise," said the Prince.
They went into the cave. Oh, how freezing it was there! But th
is did not last long; the East Wind spread out his wings; they shone like the purest flames. Oh, what a cavern! large blocks of stone, from which water was trickling, hung in the strangest forms above them. The cave
was now so narrow that they were obliged to creep along on their hands and feet, and again high and broad as the free air without.

「现在你会看到喜马拉雅山。」东风说:「喜马拉雅山是亚洲最高的山脉,我们很快就要到天国乐园了。」 他们往更南边的方向飞去,不久就闻到一阵阵的花香。 到处都是野生的无花果和石榴树,另有红色、白色的葡萄从葡萄藤上垂下来。 他们就在这里降落,坐在草地上活动一下筋骨,此时,花朵们对着东风点头,好象是在说:「欢迎,欢迎!」
「不,还不是。」风说:「不过,我们很快就要抵达了。 你看见那边的岩石和大洞穴吗?还有那个前面有葡萄藤垂落下来像绿色窗帘的地方。 我们必须从那里穿过去。 把你的外套穿好,这里虽然阳光酷热,但是再往前靠近一点,你就会感觉到像冰一样的冷。 凡是飞过洞穴附近的鸟,都会觉得一只的翅膀热得像是在夏天,而另一只翅膀却又冷得像是在冬天一样。」
他们现在就走进洞穴里了。 噢!里面真的好冷喔! 不过,幸好不会太久,东风展开他的翅膀,他们像是最明亮的火焰在闪耀着。 噢!好大的洞穴,里面有巨大的石头,石缝中有水滴落下来形成各种奇形怪状的水柱。 洞中有些地方很狭隘,他们不得不用手脚匍匐的爬行,一会儿就爬到又高又宽广的地方,空气和外面一样的新鲜。
