

He is now king over all the birds, and the only phoenix in the world. He has bitt
en a hole in the leaf I gave you; that is his greeting to the Princess."
"Well, now let us have something to eat," said the mother of the Winds; and accordingly they all sat down to partake of the roasted stag. The prince sat next to the East Wind, and they soon became good friends.
"Only tell me this," began the Prince; "what Princess is that I heard so much about; and where is the Garden of Paradise?"
"Ha, ha!" said the East Wind, "do you want to go there? Well, then, fly with me tomorrow; but I must tell you that no human being has been there since Adam and Eve's time. You know the
Scripture history, I suppose?"
"Of course," said the Prince.
"Well, when they were driven out of it, the Garden of Paradise sank under the earth; but it still retained its warm
sunshine, its balmy air, and all its beauty. The queen of the fairies makes it her abode; and there also is the Island of Bliss, where death never comes, and where life is so beautiful! If you seat yourself on my ba
ck tomorrow, I will take you there; I think that may be allowed. But do not talk any longer now, for I wish to sleep."
And accordingly they all went to sleep. The Prince awoke e
arly in the morning, and was not a little astonished to find himself already far above the clouds.

现在这只小凤凰是众鸟类的王了,并且是世界上唯一的凤凰。 我给你的那片棕榈叶上有它咬出的洞,那是牠向公主致意的表示。」
「我们来吃点东西吧!」风的母亲说。于是他们都坐了下来平分地吃着烤鹿。 王子坐在东风旁边,他们很快就成为好朋友了。
「哈,哈!」东风说:「你想去吗? 那么你明天就跟我一起飞去吧!不过,我必须告诉你,自从亚当和夏娃那个时代之后,就再也没有人类到过那里。 我想你应该知道圣经上的故事。」
「自从他们被驱逐出境之后,天国乐园就沉没于地底下,不过,那里仍然有温暖的阳光、芬芳的空气和所有美丽的事物。 众神仙的皇后就住在那里,幸福岛也在那里,生活在那里非常快乐,而且死亡永远不会降临。 明天如果你坐在我背上,我将带你去,我想这样做是可以被允许的。 但是,现在我们不要再谈下去了,因为我想睡了。」
于是他们都睡了。 第二天一早王子就醒了,并且发现自己早已高高的在云端上,然而他却一点也不觉得惊讶。
