

The Candles
ATXul0 cf0 There was a large wa
x-light which had a very good opinion of itself.
"I was born in wax and shaped in a mould," it said; "I shine better and burn longer than other lights; my place is in the chandelier or the silver candlestick!"
"That must be a delightful existence!" said the tallow-candle. "I am only of tallow, only a dip, but I always console myself with the reflection, that at any rate, I am something more than a rushlight; t
hat is only dipped twice, whereas I am dipped four times to give me my proper thickness. I am quite satisfied; no doubt it is luckier and more genteel to be born in wax and not in tallow, but one does not order one's place in the world
. They get into the glass chandelier in the dining-room. I remain in the kitchen, but the kitchen is a good place too; the whole house gets its food thence."
"But there is somet
hing more important than food," said the wax candle. "Society! To see people shine and to shine one's self! There will be a ball here this evening. Now you'll see that I and all my family will be s
ent for immediately!"
Scarcely had this been said when all the wax-candles were sent for, but the tallow-candle came along with them also. The lady of the house herself held it in her dainty hand
and carried it into the kitchen; there stood a little lad with a basket which was filled with potatoes and a couple of apples were there too. All this the good lady gave to the poor boy.

「那实在太有趣了!」牛油烛说。 「我不过是牛油做成的一种平凡的蜡烛,但我经常安慰自己,觉得我总比一枚铜板买来的那种小蜡烛要好一些。因这种蜡烛只灌了两次蜡,而我却要灌四次才能有这么粗。 我已感到很满足了!当然,身为蜡比牛油要好了许多,不过一个人在世上的地位并不是自己可以选择的。 你是放在大厅的玻璃枝形吊灯上。 而我却待在厨房里;然而那仍是一个很好的地方,因为全家的食物就是在那儿做出来的!」
「可是还有一件事情比食物更重要,」蜡烛说。 「社交!看看人们的光芒和自己在社交中散发出来的光芒吧! 今晚有一个舞会。 不久我就要和整个家族去参加了。」
话才说完,所有的蜡烛就被拿走了,这支牛油烛也不例外。 这房子的女主人用细嫩的手亲自拿着它,把它带到厨房去。那里有一个瘦小的孩子提着满满一篮马铃薯,里面还有两三个苹果。 这些东西都是这位好心的女士送给这个贫穷孩子的。
