

So the soldier climbed the tree, let himself plump down into the hole, and found himself, as
the witch had said he would, in a large passage where hundreds and hundreds of lamps were burning.
And now he unlocked the first door. Ugh! there sat the dog with eyes as large as teacups and glar
ed at him.
"You're a pretty fellow!" said the soldier putting him on the witch's apron, and taking as many copper coins as he could cram into his pockets. Then he locked the chest, put the dog on
top of it again, and went into the second chamber. Ugh! there sat the dog with eyes as big as mill-wheels.
"You shouldn't stare at me so much," said the soldier, "you might injure your eyesight!" And with that he placed the dog on the witch's apron, but when he saw the heaps of silver money in the chest he flung away all the copper money he had and filled his pockets and his knapsack with nothing but silver.
Then he went into the third chamber. Now this was truly hideous. The dog in that room really had two eyes each one of which was as large as a tower, and they ran round in his head like clockwork.
"Good evening!" said the soldier, and touched his cap, for a dog like that he had never seen before. But after looking at him a little longer, "Come, come," thought he, "I've stared enough now, surely!
" and lifting him down on to the floor he opened the chest.
Gracious! what a lot of gold was there!

他打开第一道门。 哇!果然有一只眼睛有茶杯那么大的狗坐在那儿,并直瞪着他。
「你这个好家伙!」士兵说着。于是就把它抱到巫婆的围裙上。然后他拿出许多铜板装进衣袋,能装多少就装多少。 他把箱子锁好,把狗又放回上面,于是走进第二个房间里去。 哇!坐在这儿的狗的眼睛真大得犹如一对磨石轮。
「你不应该这样紧盯着我瞧,」士兵说:「这样会损伤你的眼睛呢!」 他把狗儿抱到巫婆的围裙上。当他看到箱子里有那么多银币的时候,他就把所有的铜板都丢掉,而在衣袋和行军背包中全装满了银币。 随后他便走进第三个房间。 这可真有点惊人! 这里的狗两只眼睛当真有「圆塔」那么大!它们在头上转动着,简直就是轮子。
「晚安!」士兵说。他把手举到帽沿上行了个礼,因为他以前从没见过像这样的一只狗。 不过,他对它瞧了一下,他想:「现在差不多了。」他把它抱下来放到地上然后打开箱子。
