

"Save me from being hanged!" said the soldier, and with that the dogs rushed upon the Judges
and the whole Council, took some by the legs and others by the nose and flung them up high into the air so that they fell down and were dashed to pieces.
"I won't have it!" said the King; but the largest dog took bo
th him and the Queen and hurled them ever so much farther than all the others. Then the soldiers grew frightened and all the people cried, "Good soldier, you shall be our King and marry the pretty Princess!"

So the soldier sat in the King's carriage, and all three dogs ran in front and barked, "Hurrah!" The boys whistled through their fingers and the soldiers presented arms. The Princess came out of the coppe
r castle and became Queen, and really very much liked it. The wedding feast lasted eight days, and the dogs sat at table and made big eyes and stared with all their might.

「不要这样对待我!」国王说。不过最大的那只狗儿还是攫住他和王后,把他们跟其余的人一起乱扔。 所有的士兵非常的害怕,老百姓也都嚷叫起来:「小兵,你做咱们的国王吧!你跟那位美丽的公主结婚吧!」
因此这个士兵坐进国王的四轮马车里去,而那三只狗儿就在他面前活蹦乱跳,同时高呼:「万岁!」 小孩子用手指吹起口哨;士兵们恭敬行礼。 那位公主走出她的铜宫,做了王后,感到非常的满意。 结婚典礼足足举行了八天。那三只狗儿也坐上了桌子,把眼睛睁得比任何时候还大。
