

"So the pot continued its story, and the end was as good as the beginning.

"The plates rattled for joy, and the hearth-brush took some green parsley and crowned the pot, for it knew that that would vex the others. 'And if I crown her today,' it thought, 'She will crown me tomorrow.'
"'Now I will dance,' said the fire-tongs, and dance it did. How it flung its legs into the air! The old chair-cover in the corner split its sides at the sight.

"'Let me be crowned too!' said the fire-tongs, and crowned she was.
"'A low lot, a low lot after all!' thought the matches.
"And now the teapot was asked to sing
, but she protested that she had a cold and could only sing when she was boiling over, but this was pure pretense; she would not sing unless she was on the table with the family.
"Right in the window-sill stood an o
ld quill pen which the maid-servant used to write with; there was nothing remarkable about it except that it had been dipped a little too deeply into the inkpot, but of that it was proud. 'If the teapot won't sing,' it said, 'she may l
eave it alone. Outside there is a nightingalehanging in a cage; it can sing if you like. It is true it hasn't learned anything, but we won't speak ill of it this evening.'
consider it very unbecoming that such a foreign bird should be listened to at all,' said the tea-kettle, who was the kitchen songstress and half-sister of the teapot. 'Is it patriotic? That's what I want to know! Let the market-basket decide.'

「所有的盘子都快乐得喧闹起来。鸡毛撢子从一个陶壶带来一根绿芹菜,把它当成花冠戴在罐子头上。他知道这会使别人讨厌。 『我今天为她戴上花冠,』他想:『她明天也就会为我戴上花冠的。』
「『现在我要跳舞了,』火钳说着,就跳了起来。 天啦!她居然也能翘起一只腿来! 墙角里的旧椅套也裂开来看她跳舞。
「老鹅毛笔立在窗台上,女佣人常常用他来写字;这支笔并没有什么了不起的地方,他只是经常被深浸在墨水瓶中,但他对于这点却感到非常骄傲。 『如果茶壶不愿意唱,』他说:『那么就随便她。 外边悬挂的笼子里有一只夜莺,她的歌唱得很好听。 她没有受过任何教育,不过我们今晚可以不提这件事情。』
「『我认为,』茶壶说:『她是厨房里的歌手,同时也是茶壶的异母姊妹,我们要听这样一只外国鸟唱歌是非常不对的。 这算是爱国吗? 这是我想知道的。 让菜篮来评理一下吧!』
