

"I should like to know how the manufacture of the cloth is getting on," thought the Emperor; b
ut really and truly his heart a little misgave him when he remembered that the stupid or the incapable would not be able to see the cloth. He fancied, indeed, that he had no need to be anxious on his own account, but he thought it would
be safer to send someone else first to see how things went. Every person throughout the city had heard of the wonderful properties of the new cloth, and all were eager to see how foolish or stupid their neighbors were.

"I will send my worthy old minister to the weavers," thought the Emperor; "he can best see what the cloth looks like, for he is a man of intellect, and none is fitter for his office than he."
the able old minister went into the room where the two impostors sat working at the empty looms. "Mercy on us!" thought he, and opened his eyes very wide. "I can't see anything." But he took very goo
d care not to say so.
The two impostors begged him to draw nearer, and asked him if the pattern was not a pretty one, and the colors very beautiful. Then they pointed at the empty looms, and the poo
r old minister opened his eyes wider and wider, but he could see nothing, for there was nothing to see. "Good gracious!" thought he, "I am not stupid, surely? I never thought so before, and I'll take good care that nob
ody shall know it now. What! I am not fit for my office, eh? Oh, no, it will never do for me to go and say that I can't see the cloth!"

paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 sl345 f1 fs24 「我真的想知道他们究竟织得怎样了?」国王想。不过,他立刻就想起了愚笨的人或不称职的人是看不见这匹布的。 他心里的确有些忐忑不安,而他相信自己用不着害怕,虽然如此,他还是觉得先派一个人去瞧个究竟比较妥当。 全城的人都听说这种布,有一种神奇的力量,所以大家也很想趁这机会来试验一下,看看他们的邻居究竟有多么的愚笨。

因此这位善良的老部长就来到那两个骗子的工作场所,而他们正在空空的织布机上忙碌地工作。 「请发发慈悲啊!」老部长想,把眼睛睁得有如碗口那么大。 「我什么东西也没有看见!」 但是他不敢说出这句话来。
两个骗子请他靠近一点并问他:布的图案是不是很漂亮?色彩是不是很绚丽? 他们指着那两架空空的织布机,但是可怜的老臣的眼睛愈睁愈大,却仍然看不见什么东西,因为确实没有任何东西! 「我的老天爷!」他想:「难道我是一个愚笨的人吗? 我从来没有怀疑过自己,我绝不能让人知道这件事。 难道我不称职吗? 哦!我绝不能让人知道我看不见这块布料!」
