

paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 f1 fs28 The Emperor's New ClothesATXul0 cf0
Many year
s ago there lived an Emperor who was so fond of new clothes that he spent all his money upon dress and finery. He cared not a straw for his soldiers, nor for going to the theatre or driving in the park; all he really cared about was sho
wing his new clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day; and just as in other countries men speak of the "King in Council," so here men spoke of the "Emperor in Wardrobe."
The great city where
he dwelt was a very pleasant place. Many strangers visited it every day, and one day two impostors arrived who gave themselves out for weavers, and pretended they knew how to weave the most beautiful cloth imaginable. Not only were the colors and patterns altogether out of the common, but the clothes made from such cloth had the peculiar property of being invisible to every man who was either unfit for his office or stupid.
"They w
ould indeed be valuable clothes," thought the Emperor. "By wearing them, I could find out which of my ministers are unfit for the posts they occupy, and I could tell the wise from the stupid. Yes; some of that cloth mu
st be woven for me at once." And he gave the two impostors a lot of money in advance so that they might begin their work.
Accordingly they set up two looms and pretended they were working, but there
was absolutely nothing upon the looms. Very soon they demanded the finest silk and the purest gold thread, which they put carefully away, and worked on with the empty looms till late into the night.

paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 sl345 f1 fs24 国王的新衣。
很久以前有一位国王,他非常喜欢穿美丽的新衣服。为了能穿得更漂亮,他把所有的钱都花在华丽的衣服上。 丝毫不关心他的军队,不喜欢去看戏,也不喜欢乘着马车逛公园,一心只想展现他的新衣服。 他每天每一个钟头都要换一套新衣服。一般人提到国王时总会说:「国王在会议室里。」但是这里的人民一提到他时,总是说:「国王在更衣室里。」
在他居住的大城市里,生活很轻松,也很快乐。 每天有许多外国人来到这里。有一天来了两个骗子,自称是织工,且能织出任谁也想象不到的最美丽的布。 而布的色彩和图案不仅非常好看,用它缝制出来的衣服还有一种奇特的作用──就是凡是不称职或愚笨的人,都看不见这件衣服。
「那正是我最喜欢的衣服!」国王心里想。 「穿了这样的衣服,就可以知道我的王国里那些人不称职,更可以辨别出那些人是聪明人,那些人是笨蛋。 是的,我要命令他们马上织出这样的布来!」 他付了许多钱给这两个骗子,叫他们马上开始工作。
这两个骗子摆设两架织布机,假装在工作的样子,可是他们的织布机上什么东西也没有。 他们不断地请求国王将一些上好的生丝和金子给他们,但是他们把这些都装进自己的口袋,依旧在那两架空空的织布机上假装忙碌地工作到深夜。
