

And they clapped their hands and danced about and ran to fetch their father and mother, and bread and
cakes were flung into the water, and they all said: "The new one is the prettiest! It is so young and lovely!" And the old swans bowed before it.
It felt so bashful that it stuck
its head beneath its wings, it did not know what to do. It was almost too happy but not a bit proud, for a good heart is never proud. It thought of how it had been persecuted and despised, and now all said that it was
the loveliest of lovely birds. And the lilacs bowed their branches down into the water towards it, and the sun shone so nice and warm, and then the swan swelled out its plumage, raised its slim neck, and cried from the bottom of its hea
rt: "I never dreamed of such bliss when I was an ugly duckling!"

于是他们欢欣鼓舞的向他们的爸爸和妈妈跑去。他们拋下更多的面包和糕饼到水里,同时大家都说:「这新来的一只最美丽! 那么年轻,那么美好!」 那些老天鹅不禁在他面前低下头来。
他感到非常难为情。他把头埋到翅膀里去,不知该怎么办才好。 他觉得太幸福了,但一点也不骄傲,因为一颗善良的心是永远不会骄傲的。 他想起他曾经如何的被人迫害和嘲笑,而现在却听到大家称赞他是美丽的鸟群里最美丽的一只鸟儿。 紫丁香在他面前把枝丫垂到水里去,阳光既温暖又美好。他挥动翅膀,伸直细长的脖子,从内心里发出一个快乐的声音:「当我还是一只丑小鸭的时候,做梦也没想到我能拥有如此的幸福!」 ts head toward
