

The Ugly DucklingATXul0
cf0 It was so pretty
out in the country in the glorious summertime.
The corn stood yellow, the oats green, the hay was stacked in the meadows, and the stork strode about on his long red legs and chattered Egyptian, for he had learnt that
language from his mother. Round about the fields and meadows were great forests, and in the midst of the woods deep lakes; yes, it was truly delightful out in the country!
In the sunlight stood an o
ld country house encircled by deep ditches. From the walls right down to the water grew large dock-leaves that had shot up so high that little children could stand on tiptoe beneath the tallest. It was as lonesome ther
e as in the thickest wood, and here lay a duck upon her nest; she was engaged in hatching her young, but by this time she was nearly tired of the task, it had lasted so long and she seldom received visitors ; the other ducks preferred to swim about in th
e ditches to waddling up the bank and sitting under a dock-leaf to gossip with her.
At last one egg cracked, and then another and another.
"Peep! peep!" was the cry; all the yolk
s of the eggs had become alive and stuck out their heads.
"Quick! quick!" cried the mother duck; and so they all scampered around as fast as they could and looked about beneath the green leaves, and the mother let th
em look to their hearts' content, for green is good for the eyes.

小麦黄亮亮的,燕麦绿油油的,干草堆在牧场上,鹳鸟用他又长又红的细腿散步,喋喋不休地讲着埃及话,这是他从妈妈那儿学到的语言。 田野和牧场的周围有一大片森林,森林里有些很深的湖。是的,的确乡村是非常可爱的!
阳光正照耀着一幢古老的房子,在它的周围流着几条很深的小溪。 从墙角右转一直到水里,全长满了牛蒡的大叶子,最大的叶子长得非常高,小孩子简直可以直起腰站在下面。 然而,就像在最茂密的森林里一样,这儿也是很荒凉的。有一只母鸭坐在窝里,她得把她的几只小鸭都孵出来。不过此时她已经很累了,很少有访客来看他,其它的鸭子都喜欢在溪流里游来游去,而不愿意跑到牛蒡底下和她聊天。
