

And thus she came to the field-mouse's door. It was a little hole right under the s
tubble. There dwelt the field-mouse, quite warm and cozy; she had a whole room full of corn, and a nice kitchen and larder. Poor Thumbelina stood outside the door, like a beggar-girl, and begged for a little barley-cor
n, for she had not had anything to eat for two days.
"You poor little creature!" said the field-mouse, for, at bottom, it was a kind-hearted field-mouse; "come into my warm room and dine with me!"

Afterwards, as she thought well of Thumbelina, she said; "You are quite welcome to stay with me all the winter, but you must keep my room nice and clean and tell me stories, for I am very fond of stories."
Thumbelina did all the good old mouse required of her, and had a very nice time of it.
"We shall soon be having a visitor," said the field-mouse one day; "my neighbor always visits me once a week. He is better housed even than I am, for he has vast halls and goes about in a beautiful black fur coat; if only you could have him for a husband, you would be well provided for, but unfortunately he cannot see. Now mind, tell him th
e very prettiest stories you know."
But Thumbelina did not trouble her head about it at all, for she knew who the neighbor was- he was only a mole.

最后她来到了一只田鼠的门口。 这是一棵麦秆下面的一个小洞。 田鼠住在那里面,又温暖,又舒适。他储存有整整一房间的麦子,还有一间漂亮的厨房和饭厅。 可怜的拇指姑娘站在门口,像一个要饭的穷苦女孩子。她恳求田鼠施舍一颗大麦给她,因为她已经两天没有吃任何东西了。
「过不久我们将会有一个客人,」田鼠说:「我这位邻居每个星期总会来看我一次。 他住得比我舒服得多。他有宽大的房间,穿著非常华丽的黑天鹅丝绒袍子。只要你能够让他做你的丈夫,那么你一生将享用不尽了!不过他的眼睛看不见。 你得讲一些最动人的故事给他听。」
