

The same evening the bride and bridegroom went aboard the ship. Cannons roar
ed and flags waved, and on the deck was placed a royal bridal tent of cloth of gold and purple and precious furs.
The sails swelled out in the breeze, and the ship glided lightly over the ocean. Whe
n it grew dark, colored lamps were lit, and the sailors danced merrily on the deck. The little mermaid could not help thinking of the first time she had risen above the sea, and seen the same gaiety and splendor. She w
hirled round and round in the dance, skimming along as the swallow skims when it is pursued, and everyone applauded her, for never before had she danced so beautifully. There was a piercing as of sharp knives in her feet, but she heeded
it not; the anguish of her heart was far more piercing. She knew this was the last evening she would ever be able to see him for whom she had forsaken relatives and home, sacrificed her lovely voice, and suffered endless tortures day b
y day, without his having even dreamt of it. It was the last night on which she was to breathe the same air as he, to look upon the deep sea and the star-lit sky. An eternal night, without a thought, or a dream, awaite
d her; for she had no soul and could not obtain one.
All was joy and gaiety on board the ship till long past midnight, and all the time she laughed and danced with the thought of death in her heart. The Prince kissed his lovely bride and she toyed with his black hair, and arm in arm they went to rest in their splendid tent.

当天晚上,新郎和新娘来到船上。 礼炮响了起来,旗帜正飘扬着。一个金色和紫色的华丽帐篷在船中央架设起来了,里面摆设最美丽的垫子,这对新人将在那里度过他们清凉和寂静的夜晚。
风儿正鼓着船帆。船在这波光粼粼的海上,轻轻地航行着,没有很大的波动。 当夜晚来临,色彩缤纷的灯光也亮了起来,水手们愉快地在甲板上跳舞。 小美人鱼不禁想起她第一次浮到海面上来的情景,想起她那时看到的同样豪华和欢乐的场面。 她于是舞蹈起来,翱翔着,宛如一只被追逐的燕子飞翔着似的。大家都在喝采、赞美她,她从来没有跳得这么美好。 锐利的刀子似乎在砍着她纤细的双脚,但是她并不感觉到疼痛,因为她的心比这还要痛。 她知道这是见他的最后一晚了。为了他,她离开了族人和家庭;她付出美妙的声音;而且每天必须忍受着永无止境的痛苦,然而他却一点儿也不知道! 这是她可以和他在一起呼吸着相同空气的最后一晚;也是她可以看到深邃的海和星光灿烂的夜空的最后一晚。 同时一个没有思想和梦境的永恒黑夜在等待着她,她没有灵魂,而且再也得不到了。
一直到半夜过后,船上的一切还是充满欢乐和愉快。她笑着、舞着,但是她的心死了。 王子吻着他美丽的新娘,新娘抚弄着他的黑亮的头发。他们手挽着手到豪华的帐篷里休息。
