

You want to be rid of your fish's tail, eh? and to have a couple of stumps to walk about on as men ha
ve, so that the young Prince may fall in love with you, and you may get him and an mortal" target="_blank" title="a.不死的n.不朽的人物">immortal soul into the bargain!"
With that, the witch laughed so loudly and horribly that the toad and the snakes fell to the ground,
where they lay wriggling about.
"You have come in the very nick of time," said the witch; "if you had put it off till tomorrow, at sunrise, I should not have been able to help you for another year. I will brew you a potion, and you must swim to land, sit on the shore, and drink it all before sunrise. Then your tail will split and shrivel up into what men call nice legs; but it will hurt, mind you, for it will be like a sharp sword
piercing you. All who see you will say that you are the loveliest mortal they ever saw. You will keep your elegant floating gait, no dancing girl will be able to move so lightly as you; but every stride you take will b
e to you like treading on sharp knives till the blood flows. If you still choose to suffer all this, I have the power to help you."
"I do," said the little mermaid with a trembling voice; she though
t of the Prince and of winning an mortal" target="_blank" title="a.不死的n.不朽的人物">immortal soul.
"But remember," said the witch, "once you have a human form you can never become a mermaid again! You will never be able to dive down through the wat
er to your sisters or return to your father's palace; and if you should fail to win the Prince's love so that, for your sake, he forgets father and mother and cleaves to you with all his soul, and lets the priest join your hands and make you man and wife
, you will not obtain an mortal" target="_blank" title="a.不死的n.不朽的人物">immortal soul!

「你来得正好,」巫婆说:「明天太阳出来以后,我就没有办法帮助你了,只有再等一年! 我可以煎一帖药给你喝。而你带着药在太阳出来以前,尽快游向陆地。你就坐在海滩上,把药喝下去。 到时你的尾巴就可以分成两半,变成人类所谓的漂亮的腿了。可是这会让人痛入心扉,就好象有一把尖刀刺进你的身体。 凡是见到你的人,一定会说你是他们所见到最美丽的女孩! 你依然可以保持游泳时那样的轻盈,任何舞蹈家也不会跳得像你那般轻柔。不过,你每走一步将会感到好象走在尖刀上而血流不止。 如果你能忍受得了这些痛苦,我就可以帮助你。」
「可是要记住,」巫婆说:「你一旦获得了人的形体,就再也不能变回人鱼了! 也就是说你再也不能回到海里;回到你姊姊或你父亲的宫殿里了。此外,如果得不到那王子的爱情;如果你不能使他为你而忘记他的父母,且全心全意地爱你;还要让牧师把你们的手放在一起结成夫妇,否则你也得不到一个不灭的灵魂!
