

Everybody there was tumbling about in all directions. She looked especially for the
young Prince and as the ship went to pieces, saw him sink into the deep sea. She was quite pleased, for now he would come down to her, but then it occurred to her that human beings cannot live under the water and that he would be dead
by the time he reached her father's palace. Die he must not, oh no! So she swam among the spars and planks which drifted on the sea, quite forgetting that they might crush her. Then she ducked beneath
the water, and rising again on the billows managed at last to reach the young Prince, who by now was scarcely able to swim any longer in the raging sea. His arms and legs began to fail him, his beautiful eyes were closed, he must surel
y have died if the little mermaid had not come to his assistance. She held his head above the water and then let the billows drive them together wherever they pleased.
When morning dawned the storm
passed, but not a fragment of the ship was to be seen. The sun rose red and beaming from the water; the Prince's cheeks regained the hue of life, but his eyes remained closed. The mermaid kissed his lofty handsome brow
and stroked back his wet locks. He looked just like the marblestatue down in her little garden; she kissed him again and longed that he might live.
And now she saw in front of her the mainland, wi
th lofty blue mountains, on the summits of which the snow shone as though great flocks of white swans lay there. Near the shore were lovely green forests and in front stood a church or convent, she did not exactly know what-but it was
a large building of some sort.

这时每个人都在努力为自己寻找活路。 她则特别关注那位王子。当这艘船破裂而向海的深处下沉时,她看到他了。 立即变得非常高兴,因为他就要跌落到她这儿来了。可是她又想起人类是不能生活在水里的,除非他变成了死人,否则是不能进入她父亲的宫殿。 不行,绝对不能让他死去! 所以她向那些漂浮着的船梁和甲板游过去,丝毫也没有想到它们可能会砸死她。 她深深地沉入海里,接着又在浪涛中高高地浮出来,终于游到王子的身边。在这狂暴的海里,他根本没有力气再浮起来。 他的手臂和腿逐渐支撑不住了,而他美丽的双眼已经闭了起来。若不是小美人鱼及时赶到,他一定会淹死的。 她把他的头托出水面,让海浪载着她跟他一起任意漂流着。
破晓时刻,暴风雨已经过去,然而那艘船连一块碎片也不见了。 火红的太阳升起,在海面上照耀着,仿佛在王子的脸上注入了生命,不过,他的眼睛仍然是紧闭着的。 小美人鱼在王子俊俏的额头上吻了一下,把他湿透的长发梳向脑后。 她觉得他的模样很像她海底小花园里的那尊大理石像。于是又吻了他一下,希望他能清醒过来。
这时她看见前面伸展出一片陆地和一群青翠的山峦,山顶上铺盖的白雪,看起来像沉睡的天鹅。 沿着海岸是一片美丽的绿色树林,林子前面有一个教堂或是修道院,她不知道这是什么东西──反正它是一个大建筑物就对?
