

The Little MermaidATXul0
cf0 Far out at sea the
water is as blue as the loveliest cornflower and as clear as the purest crystal. But it is very deep-deeper than anchor ever yet reached; many church towers would have to be piled one upon the other to reach right up from the bottom to t
he surface. Down there dwell the Sea-folk.
Now you must by no means fancy that there is nothing there but a bare white sandbank. No, indeed! The most wondrous trees and p
lants grow there, the stalks and leaves of which are so supple that they wave to and fro at the least motion of the water, just as if they were living beings. All the fishes, small and great, glide among the branches just as the birds fly
about the trees up here. In the deepest spot of all lies the Sea-King's palace. The walls are of coral and the tall, pointed windows of the clearest amber, while the roof is of mussel-shells, which open and shut accordin
g to the tide; and lovely they look, for in every one of the shells lies a glistening pearl, any of which would be the glory of a Queen's crown.
The Sea-King had been a widower for many years, so his aged mother kept
house for him. She was a wise woman and very proud of her noble birth, by reason of which she always went about with twelve oysters on her tail, the other important folk being only allowed to wear six. Nevertheless she w
as very well-esteemed, especially because of the loving care she took of the little sea-princesses, her granddaughters.

远方有个湛蓝如美丽的矢车菊花、清澈如纯水晶体般的大海。 海底很深,深得连铁锚都抵达不了。想要从海底浮到水面,就必须有许多许多个教堂尖塔一个接一个地叠起来才可以。 海底的人就居住在这下面。
不过可不要认为那儿只是一片毫无遮蔽的白色沙洲。 不是那样的。 那儿生长着最奇异的树木和植物。它们的枝丫和叶子是那么柔软,只要水轻轻的流动一下,它们就摇曳起来,好象是有生命的东西。 大大小小的鱼儿在这些枝叶之间游来游去,好象是天空中的飞鸟。 海底最深处就是海王宫殿的所在。 它的墙是用珊瑚砌成的;而那些高高耸立的窗子是用最明亮的琥珀做成的,不过屋顶上面却铺着黑色的蚌壳,它们随着水的流动可以自动地开合。它看起来是那么的美丽,因为每一颗蚌壳里面都含有闪闪发亮的珍珠。随便哪一颗珍珠都可以成为王后后冠上最主要的装饰品。
住在海底下的海王已经做了好多年的鳏夫,但是他有年老的母亲为他管理家务。 她是一个聪慧的女人,而且对于自己高贵的出身总是感到非常自傲,因此她的尾巴上老是戴着一打牡蛎──其余的贵族就只能戴上半打。 除此以外,她是值得尊敬的,特别是因为她非常疼爱那些幼小的美人鱼公主──她的一些孙子。
