

57. The Man And His Two Sweethearts

A middle-aged man, whose hair
had begun to turn gray, courted two women at the same time. One of them was young; and the other well advanced in years. The elder woman, ashamed to be courted by a man younger than herself, made a point, whenever her
admirer visited her, to pull out some portion of his black hairs. The younger, on the contrary, not wishing to become the wife of an old man, was equallyzealous in removing every gray hair she could find. Thus it came
to pass, that between them both he very soon found that he had not a hair left on his head.

Those who seek to please everybody please nobady.
57. 一个男子和他的两个情人
一个中年男子,虽然头发渐现花白,他仍然追求着两个女人。 她们之中,有一个是年轻的,另外的一个年龄则很大了。 年长的那个女人,觉得她被一个比她年轻的男子追求,觉得惭愧,便下了决心,每当她的爱人来看她的时候,总要在他头上拔掉几根黑头发。 那年轻的女人,恰好相反,她不愿意做老头儿的妻子,也同样地热心,拔去在他头上所能找到的白头发。 后来呢,这个人发现自己的头上一根头发也不剩了。
