

284. The Lion And The Shepherd

A Lion, roaming through a forest,
trod upon a thorn, and soon after came up towards a Shepherd, and fawned upon him, wagging his tail, as if he would say, "I am a suppliant, and seek your aid." The Shepherd boldly examined, and discovered the thorn, and placing his fo
ot upon his lap, pulled it out and relieved the Lion of his pain, who returned into the forest. Some time after, the Shepherd being imprisoned on a false accusation, is condemned "to be cast to the Lions," as the punishment of his impu
ted crime. The Lion, on being released from his cage, recognizes the Shepherd as the man who healed him, and, instead of attacking him, approaches and places his foot upon his lap. The King, as soon as he heard the t
ale, ordered the Lion to be set free again in the forest, and the Shepherd to be pardoned and restored to his friends.
284. 狮子和牧羊人
一只狮子走过一个树林,脚上踩到一根刺,不久它跑到一个牧羊人处,摇尾向他谄媚,好象要对他说「我是来哀求你帮助」似的。 牧羊人大胆地检查之后,便发现那根刺,于是就将狮子的大腿,放在自己的膝上,将刺拔出来,解除了狮子的痛苦,接着它便回到森林里去了。 不久牧羊人受人诬告而被监禁起来,被判决「喂狮子」当作他所犯之罪的刑罚。 那狮子从笼里出来时,认得牧羊人便是医治过他的人,就不去扑杀他,反而走向前去把脚放在他的膝上。 国王一听到这样的事情,便下令狮子重回森林里去,并赦免了牧羊人的罪,让他的朋友们将他带回。
