

241. The Sparrow And The Hare

A Hare pounced upon by an eagle sob
bed very much, and uttered cries like a child. A Sparrow upbraided her, and said, "Where now is thy remarkableswiftness of foot? Why were your feet so slow?" While the Sparrow was thus speaking, a
hawk seized him on a sudden, and killed him. The Hare was comforted in her death, and expiring said, "Ah, you who so lately, when you supposed yourself safe, exulted over my calamity, have now yourself reason to deplore a similar misf
241. 麻雀和野兔
一只野兔给老鹰抓住了,哭得非常厉害,叫嚷得有如小孩子一般。 一只麻雀嘲笑它说:「你那狂奔般的速度,现在到哪里去了? 你的脚为什么这么慢呢?」 当麻雀正在这样说时,一只老鹰瞬间便攫住它,将它弄死。 野兔也就死而瞑目了,断气时说:「唉!你刚才还以为你自己很平安,看见我的不幸而幸灾乐祸,现在你自己也该为你不幸的命运而悲伤了。」
