

228. The Quack Frog

A Frog once on a time came forth from his hom
e in the marsh, and made proclamation to all the beasts that he was a learnedphysician, skilled in the use of drugs, and able to heal all diseases. A Fox asked him, "How can you pretend to prescribe for others, who are unable to heal
your own lame gait and wrinkled skin?"
228. 冒充医生的蛙
有一只青蛙,从它湿地里的家中出来,对所有野兽发出通告,说它是个有学问的医生,善于用药,又能医治百病。 一只狐狸问它说:「你不能医治你自己跛足的姿势和起皱的皮,怎么能自夸可以给别人开药方呢?」
