

200. The Wolf And The Shepherd

A Wolf followed a flock of sheep
for a long time, and did not attempt to injure one of them. The Shepherd at first stood on his guard against him, as against an enemy, and kept a strict watch over his movements. But when the wolf, day after day, kep
t in the company of the sheep, and did not make the slightest effort to seize them, the Shepherd began to look upon him as a guardian of his flock rather than as a plotter of evil against it; and when occasion called him one day into the city, he left th
e sheep entirely in his charge. The wolf, now that he had the opportunity, fell upon the sheep, and destroyed the greater part of the flock. The Shepherd on his return, finding his flock destroyed, exclaimed:"I have
been rightly served; why did I trust my sheep to a wolf?"
200. 狼和牧羊人
一只狼跟着一群羊,而且跟了好久,并没有意思去伤害其中的?@只。 牧羊人起初还留意防备它,好象防备仇敌一样,紧紧地注意那只狼的一举一动。 但是一天一天地过去,狼仍跟那些羊在一起,并没有表现想去抓它们的意思。牧羊人便开始将它当做羊群的保护者,不当它是危险之徒了。有一天他偶然有事进城去,便将羊全部留给狼管理。 狼现在得到机会,便扑杀那些羊,这些羊群几乎毁灭殆尽。 牧羊人回来时,看见他的羊群被杀,喊叫说︰「我真是活该啊,我为什么要将羊群交托给狼管理呢?
