

146. The Peasant And The Eagle

A Peasant found an Eagle captured i
n a trap, and, much admiring the bird, set him free. The Eagle did not prove ungrateful to his deliverer, for seeing him sit under a wall, which was not safe, he flew towards him, and snatched off with his talons a bundle resting on his
head, and on his rising to pursue him he let the bundle fall again. The Peasant taking it up, and returning to the same place, found the wall under which he had been sitting fallen to the ground; and he much marvelled at the requital m
ade him by the Eagle for the service he had rendered him.
146. 乡下人和老鹰
一位乡下人看见捕鸟机中捉到了一只老鹰,他非常欣赏这只老鹰,就将它放走。 老鹰对于它的救命恩人,存有报答之意。有一次老鹰看见他坐在一座摇摇欲坠的墙边,就向他飞去,用爪将放在他头上的包裹攫去。乡下人起来追赶它,它便将包裹放掉。 乡下人捡起了包裹,回到老地方去,看见他刚才坐的墙已经倾倒了。他对于这只老鹰,曾经受过他的恩惠,现在却能报恩,觉得非常惊讶。
