

128. The Swan And The Goose

A certain rich man bought in the marke
t a Goose and a Swan. He fed the one for his table, and kept the other for the sake of its song. When the time came for killing the Goose, the cook went to take him at night, when it was dark, and he was not able to di
stinguish one bird from the other, and he caught the Swan instead of the Goose. The Swan, threatened with death, burst forth into song, and thus made himself known by his voice, and preserved his life by his melody.

A word in season is most precious.
128. 天鹅和家鹅
有一个富翁,从市场买来一只家鹅和一只天鹅。 他养着家鹅,准备当菜肴用,养着天鹅,想要听它唱歌。 到了要杀家鹅的时候,厨子在黑夜中去捉它。他无法分辨出天鹅和家鹅,竟把天鹅当作是家鹅。 天鹅非常惊惶,突然唱起歌来,就这样它用它的声音来表明它自己,也用它优美的声音,保全了它的性命。
