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世界上90%的动物是昆虫,任何地方都有它们存在,在你的花园里,在森林里.... 你能找出它们吗?
玩法: 游戏开始时,请选择游戏中3种动物那种是昆虫,然后会出现4个游戏场景供你选择,你有60秒用放大镜把他们找出来.按空格键可以放大缩小屏幕.
90% of the world's animals are insects. Insects live everywhere - in your garden, in the rainforests, and even in deserts. Visit these places and learn about some of the worlds most amazing animals.
How to play: Choose the area that you wouldlike to visit. Youhave60 seconds tofind the insects.Left-click on an insect to learn about it. Some of the insects are very small and difficult to find.Use your space bar to zoom in and out. Can you find all of the insects in time?
  • amazing [ə´meiziŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.惊人的;惊奇的 (初中词汇)
  • insect [´insekt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.昆虫 (初中词汇)