
played with the jarid that none could withstand him, while his bride

sat gazing upon him from the latticed balcony of her bower and, seeing

in him such beauty and cavalarice, she fell headlong in love of him

and was like to fly for joy. And after they had ringed their horses on

the maydan and each had displayed whatso he could of horsemanship,

Aladdin proving himself the best man of all, they rode in a body to

the Sultan's palace and the youth also returned to his own pavilion.

But when it was evening, the wazirs and nobles took the bridegroom

and, falling in, escorted him to the royal hamman (known as the

Sultani), when he was bathed. and perfumed. As soon as he came out

he donned a dress more magnificent than the former and took horse with

the emirs and the soldier officers riding before him and forming a

grand cortege, wherein four of the wazirs bore naked swords round

about him. All the citizens and the strangers and the troops marched

before him in ordered throng carrying wax candles and kettledrums

and pipes and other instruments of mirth and merriment, until they

conducted him to his pavilion. Here he alighted and, walking in,

took his seat and seated the wazirs and emirs who had escorted him,

and the Mamelukes brought sherbets and sugared drinks, which they also

passed to the people who had followed in his train. It was a world

of folk whose tale might not be told. Withal Aladdin bade his

Mamelukes stand without the pavilion doors and shower gold upon the


When the Sultan returned from the maydan plain to his palace, he

ordered the household, men as well as women, straightway to form a

cavalcade for his daughter, with all ceremony, and bear her to her

bridegroom's pavilion. So the nobles and soldier officers who had

followed and escorted the bridegroom at once mounted, and the

handmaids and eunuchs went forth with wax candles and made a mighty

fine procession for the Lady Badr al-Budur, and they paced on

preceding her till they entered the pavilion of Aladdin, whose

mother walked beside the bride. In front of the Princess also fared

the wives of the wazirs and emirs, grandees and notables, and in

attendance on her were the eight and forty slave girls presented to

her aforetime by her bridegroom, each hending in hand a huge cierge

scented with camphor and ambergris and set in a candlestick of

gem-studded gold. And reaching Aladdin's pavilion, they led her to her

bower in the upper story and changed her robes and enthroned her.

Then, as soon as the displaying was ended, they accompanied her to

Aladdin's apartments, and presently he paid her the first visit. Now

his mother was with the bride, and when the bridegroom came up and did

off her veil, the ancient dame fell to considering the beauty of the

Princess and her loveliness, and she looked around at the pavilion,

which was all litten up by gold and gems besides the manifold

candelabra of precious metals encrusted with emeralds and jacinths, so

she said in her mind: "Once upon a time I thought the Sultan's

palace mighty fine, but this pavilion is a thing apart. Nor do I

deem that any of the greatest kings of Chosroes attained in his day to

aught like thereof. Also am I certified that all the world could not

build anything evening it." Nor less did the Lady Badr al-Budur fall

to gazing at the pavilion and marveling for its magnificence.

Then the tables were spread and they all ate and drank and were

gladdened after which fourscore damsels came before them, each holding

in hand an instrument of mirth and merriment. Then they deftly moved

their finger tips and touched the strings, smiting them into song most

musical most melancholy, till they rent the hearts of the hearers.

Hereat the Princess increased in marvel, and quoth she to herself, "In

all my life ne'er heard I songs like these," till she forsook food,

the better to listen. And at last Aladdin poured out for her wine

and passed it to her with his own hand. So great joy and jubilee

went round amongst them, and it was a notable night, such a one as

Iskandar, Lord of the Two Horns, had never spent in his time. When

they had finished eating and drinking and the tables were removed from

before them, Aladdin arose and went in to his bride.

As soon as morning morrowed he left his bed, and the treasurer

brought him a costly suit and a mighty fine, of the most sumptuous

robes worn by the kings. Then, after drinking coffee flavored with

ambergris, he ordered the horses be saddled and, mounting with his

Mamelukes before and behind him, rode to the Sultan's palace, and on

his entering its court the eunuchs went in and reported his coming

to their lord. When the Sultan heard of Aladdin's approach, he rose up

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