
Steve Jobs, Apple's iconic chief executive officer, announced Mondayhis decision to take medical leave from the $65 billionconsumer electronics empire he created. The news shocked fans and investors around the world, particularly in China, where the iPhone 4 and the iPad have an army of cult worshipers and more than a few knock-off imitators.

他果标志性人物、首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)周一宣布了休病假的决定,他将暂别这个他创立的盈利650亿美元的消费电子产品帝国。这一消息震惊了全世界的苹果粉丝和投资者,尤其是在中国,iPhone 4和iPad在这里有大量狂热的崇拜者,同时不乏许多争相模仿的山寨产品。

Jobs' departure has sent many Chinese Apple fans to the Web, where a number expressed sentiments similar to those found in the U.S.--fears that Apple may fall hard without Jobs' guiding force and worries that future products will suffer without him. Many conveyed utmostadoration: 'Jobs can do without Apple, but Apple by no means can live without Jobs,' one user of Sina.com's microblog wrote. Another wrote: 'Apple can't live without you, hang in there old Jobs!'


Yet other reactions to the news bore a different tone, highlighting the vastly different attitudes that U.S. consumers and their Chinese counterparts have toward big-shot corporate types. 'If this were the CEO of CNPC [China National Petroleum Corporation], saying 'game-over,' the stock price would surely go up,' one user of Netease wrote.

然而,也有一些人的反应表现出不同的论调,凸显了中美消费者对这类公司大人物迥然不同的态度。网易一位用户写道,如果这是中石油CEO "game over"了,股价肯定涨。

While many are still reacting to the news, below is a random sampling of some of the other Jobs-related chatter floating around the Chinese Internet:


