
Here's how the second-richest man in America introduced himself to Sharon Osberg:

沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett),美国的第二大巨富,他是这样向莎朗•奥斯伯格(Sharon Osberg)介绍自己的:

He invited her into his office, got her down on hands and knees, and had her play him in a fixed-dice game.


At the time, Osberg was an executive at Wells Fargo and a world-champion bridgeplayer. She had briefly met Warren Buffett, an avid amateur, at a game in New York City, and the Berkshire Hathaway CEO had invited her to his Omaha headquarters.

当时,奥斯伯格在富国银行(Wells Fargo)任高管,也是世界桥牌冠军。她跟铁杆桥牌迷巴菲特在纽约一个桥牌比赛上短暂见面,随后身为伯克希尔•哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)首席执行长的巴菲特邀请奥斯伯格去奥马哈市(Omaha)的公司总部做客。

'His theory was, this is how he would break the ice,' Osberg says. 'They were nontransitive dice [a sort of party trick for statistics geeks]. There I was, in my dress, on my hands and knees, rolling dice on Warren Buffett's floor, in a situation where I couldn't win. He thought it was hilarious.' After Buffett finished laughing, the two went out for steak, then played bridge at his local club. The game was 'terrible,' Buffett recalls. 'Humiliating,' says Osberg. 'But we had a really good time.'


That was 20 years ago, and the two have been bridgepartners and friends ever since. They play together an average of four times a week. It's a long-distance, platonic relationship that was founded on the card game but has evolved. Osberg lives in Marin County, outside of San Francisco, and communicates with Buffett a couple of times a day by phone, and then again via the computer, where the two chat as they play online.

这是二十年前的事情了。从那以后,两人成了牌友和好朋友,平均每周要在一起打四次牌。这是一种相隔两地的、柏拉图式的关系,建立在桥牌的基础上,但又比牌友更进一步。奥斯伯格住在三藩市附近的马林县(Marin County),每天通过电话跟巴菲特沟通好几次,一起打网上桥牌,一边闲聊一边切磋牌技。

'She's a very good friend now, even though we don't see each other that often,' says Buffett. Osberg agrees. 'He's just my best friend. He's changed my life. I'm the luckiest human being in the world.'


Beyond their passion for the game, the pair relate in other ways
