
I can be quick on the draw when it comes to pulling out my smartphone to snap a few photographs. Like a lot of people, I'll let those pictures lay idle on my handset for months.


A lot of my reluctance has to with the hassle of transferring the pictures to my PC before uploading them to a photo-sharing website or Facebook. Sure, I can use my phone to directly post them online, but I like to use photo-editing software on my computer to touch up the images. As a result, photos from a May birthday party won't end up on my Facebook page until November.


With sophisticated cameras going into smartphones -- including the 5-megapixel, high-dynamic range shooter found in Apple Inc.'s iPhone 4 and the professional-grade, 12-megapixel Carl Zeiss lens in Nokia Corp.'s N8 -- more people are leaning on their handsets for all sorts of photo opportunities.

当智慧手机具备了高级相机功能时--包括拥有500万图元、高动态范围拍摄功能的苹果iPhone 4和拥有专业级1200万图元、卡尔•蔡司(Carl Zeiss)镜头的诺基亚N8,更多人在各种需要拍照的场合都会依靠手机。

Application developers haven't ignored the trend. A large number of mobile programs recently have cropped up allowing you to tweak photos, add eye-popping filters, tag them with information about subject and location, and then post them on social-networking sites.


I recently attended a holiday dinner with friends, giving me an opportunity to test some of these mobile photo-editing and photo-sharing apps: picplz, Instagram, Hipstamatic, Path and Camera Fun Pro. All five are either free or relatively inexpensive.

最近,我和朋友们参加了一次假日聚餐,这让我有机会检测了一些手机照片编辑和照片分享应用程式,包括:picplz、Instagram、Hipstamatic、Path和Camera Fun Pro。这五款程式要么是免费的,要么相对便宜。

Instagram, a free app launched by Burbn Inc. in October for the iPhone, is among the most straightforward. After taking a photo, you are given a choice of a dozen filters that give the picture a retro twinge. Some of the photos shot while sitting in an Italian wine bar looked like something from a movie set.


After choosing your filter, you have the choice of adding a caption. You can add the location as well, although it requires the phone to have a working GPS or networkconnection, so you can't get the information while on a subway or in a dead zone.


The program gives you an option to upload the photo to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare or any combination of the social-networking sites.


I also liked the feed Instagram creates to show you all the photos you've taken, giving you a nice timeline of your shots. There is also a section devoted to the most popular photos taken from all Instagram users, giving me some new ideas.


Picplz, another free app, available on iPhones and smartphones using Google Inc.'s Android software, gives you the same capabilities, but only half the number of filters. As a result, I found myself using Instagram more frequently.

Picplz是另一款免费应用软件,可以用于iPhone和使用谷歌(Google Inc.)Android软件的智慧手机。它的功能与上述软件相同,但滤镜数量只有前者的一半。因此,我会更常用Instagram。

A popular app is Hipstamatic ($1.99) from Synthetic Corp., which allows your iPhone to mimic an old-fashioned camera, complete with a virtual old-fashioned case with swappable lenses and flash bulbs on the front, and a small viewfinder on the back. There are several options for types of film, allowing for a large number of different combinations.


While I appreciated the options, I also was a little overwhelmed. The app isn't ideal for spontaneous moments, because you have to choose the film, lens and type of flash bulb (or whether to have flash at all) before taking your shot. The costs for the app could add up if you add virtual accessories: types of film, lenses, flashbulbs and camera case. Each feature retails for an additional 99 cents.


Hipstamtic has been around for nearly a year, but in September, Synthetic added the capability to order print versions of photos. The packs of photos range between $4.99 and $9.99, depending on the print size. I didn't get a chance to test out the service, but the company says it has won over many repeat customers.


A more recent app is personal-photo networkprogram Path, which launched in November for the iPhone. The aim for Path is slightly different from the normal sharing program. Rather than post the picture to Facebook and your entire network, the program will share the photo with 50 friends, which Path Chief Executive Dave Morin says is the maximum number of relationships a human can maintain at any given time.

个人照片网路程式Path是一款更新的应用软件,它是在今年11月为iPhone推出的。Path的目的与普通共用程式略有不同。这款程式不是将照片贴到Facebook和你的整个社交网路里,而是与50位朋友共用照片。Path的首席执行官戴夫•莫林(Dave Morin)说,这是任何时点上一个人能维持的最大关系数量。

The initialversion of Path, however, required my friends to have the application. My friends ended up receiving an email asking them to sign up for Path, which most promptly ignored. As a result, I wasn't sharing my photos with anyone. Mr. Morin says the company will release an update that opens up the program, sending email links to the photos that don't require downloading the program.


The app that got the most attention around the dinner table, however, was Camera Fun Pro from SpiceLoop. While it has been available for the iPhone since January, it arrived on Android devices in September. The app, which costs 99 cents, applies a live filter over the camera, allowing you to see what you get before taking the photo. The 19 filters' effects on photos aren't subtle: They implant a bulge, stretch, give a 3-D effect, or tint subjects Avatar-blue. If those aren't enough distortion for you, you can go back and layer effects on a photo.

但是,在餐桌上吸引了最多目光的应用软件是SpiceLoop的Camera Fun Pro。尽管今年1月iPhone上就可以使用这款软件了,但今年9月它才推出Android版。这款价格为99美分的应用软件在相机上使用了即时滤镜,因此你能在拍照之前就看到效果。照片的19种滤镜效果可不简单:它们能添加鱼眼、素描、3-D效果,或者将物件渲染为阿凡达蓝。如果这些变形对你来说还不够,你还可以返回,在照片上加入图层效果。

Testing the app out on Samsung Electronic Co. Ltd.'s Epic 4G, my friends and I especially enjoyed the sketchfilter, which makes everything look like it was hand drawn with a pencil. The photos were reminiscent of A-Ha's famous music video, which used a similar sketch effect, and had us humming the '80s pop tune 'Take On Me' during the meal.

我在三星电子公司(Samsung Electronic Co. Ltd.)的Epic4G手机上检测了这款应用软件,我和我的朋友们都特别喜欢素描滤镜,它让一切东西看起来都像是用铅笔手绘的一样。照片让人想起A-Ha组合著名的音乐录影,那个片子用的也是类似的素描效果,我们由此谈起80年代的流行曲"Take On Me",整顿饭的气氛也因此活跃了起来。

Roger Cheng