
An economic recovery is more marathon than sprint. And that is why the initial surge in corporate profits could leave investors gasping.


The sharp, early rebound in profits coming out of the recession has been a recovery bright spot. Year-on-year, pretax corporate-profit growth in the U.S. peaked at 42% in the last quarter of 2009. On Tuesday, the Commerce Department is expected to say profits slowed in the third quarter but were still up about 25% from a year ago. By comparison, profits grew only about 5% in the similar period following the 2001 recession.


That all sounds great -- except this rebound has been driven largely by cost savings rather than strong demand.


The U.S. economy grew at about a 3% rate in the first year of the recovery, which technically began in June 2009, and is now settling into an about 2% growth rate.


That is roughly half the pace of typical past recoveries. The middling economic outlook makes the recent strength in profits 'inherently less sustainable,' says Ethan Harris, chief North America economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

这差不多是过去一般复苏期间增长速度的一半。美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)首席北美经济学家哈里斯(Ethan Harris)说,经济前景一般,使得最近公司利润强劲之势的"可持续性更低"。

That doesn't mean profits are about to collapse. After all, global demand is helping keep some heat in earnings growth. But the pace is likely to slow more than analysts expect, says Barclays Capital portfolio strategist Talley Leger.

这并不意味着利润马上就会大幅下挫。毕竟全球需求的存在有助于利润增长保持一定的热度。但巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)投资策略师莱杰(Talley Leger)说,利润增长速度的减缓可能会超过分析师的预期。

If so, that will squeeze S&P 500 operating margins. After jumping from 6.3% last year to an estimated 8.6% this year, analysts now expect they will hit 9.4% next year -- surpassing their prior 2007 peak.

如果这样,标准普尔500种股票指数(S&P 500)成分股公司的营业利润率就会受到挤压。分析师估计,这些公司今年的利润率估计为8.6%,远高于去年的6.3%,而明年将达到9.4%,超过2007年达到的前一个峰值。

That may prove a tad optimistic. Given slowing productivity growth along with some pressure from other inputs like energy costs, Barclays expects S&P 500 profit margins will increase only slightly next year, to 8.8%.


That is no small matter, since profit margins tend to have more influence over earnings per share than changes in revenue growth. In particular, the technology and financial sectors seem most at risk to disappointment, notes Mr. Leger.


There is a broader risk, too. 'There's a race going on to heal the economy before the next shock hits,' says Bank of America's Mr. Harris.


The U.S. can ill afford to see its red-hot corporate sector start to cool its heels now.


Kelly Evans