
It was Sunday and we were planning to go out for ice cream. I recalled someone talking about Cocoberry, a frozen yoghurt chain. I searched for 'cocoberry' on Google and saw the link to Cocoberry's page on Facebook.


I visited the page and saw numerous comments by many of their satisfied customers. I could also see that they recently opened a store near my home. The decision was made. We had a great evening.


Similarly, I was looking for details about the movie 'Dabangg.' I was amazed to see the results shown by Googlewhen I typed in 'dabangg.' The first result provided me with a list of cinemas by location along with the timings for the next shows. The next result was a news story about Dabangg beating Aamir Khan's '3 Idiots' in gross earnings on the opening day.

类似地,我想了解印度电影《Dabangg》的详细内容。当我在搜索栏中键入关键词"dabangg"以后,跳出的搜索结果让我吃了一惊。 第一条结果按地理位置分布给我提供了一份影院清单,包括下一场电影的上映时间。第二条结果则是一条新闻,说的是在首映当日Dabangg的票房收入击败了阿米尔•可汗(Aamir Khan)的《三个白痴》(3 Idiots)。

Scrolling down, there were results with images and videos related to the movie. Finally, a live Twitter stream with real time (i.e. tweeted a few seconds ago) reviews and opinions.


Within minutes, it was clear to me that this was a must-watch movie. I also knew the places and times for upcoming shows. ||These examples clearly show the direction in which search is heading:


1. We will see more social media channels(e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs) among top results on search engines. In other words, what others say about you will be more important than what you will talk about yourself.

1. 我们会看到越来越多来自社交媒体渠道(比如Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter以及各种博客)的内容排在搜索结果的前列。换句话说,别人如何评价你比自说自话更重要。

2. Search engines will continue to throw up the latest and real time information. Again, the searcher will have access to better results.

2. 搜索引擎将继续提供实时更新的信息。当然,呈现在用户面前的搜索效果会更好。

3. Depending on the location(or if location-specific keywords are included in the search), results on search engines will vary. That's another logical shift to provide more relevant results to the searcher. For example, searching for 'pizza in new york' on Google, I get 569,433 businesses listed on Google Maps.

3. 根据用户所在位置的不同(或者在搜索关键字中包含位置信息),得到的搜索结果也会有所不同。在计算机科学领域,这种技术叫做"逻辑移位"(logical shift),为的是给用户提供更加相关的结果。比如,在谷歌上搜索关键字"纽约的披萨"(pizza in new york),我在谷歌地图上总计看到569,433家店铺。

4. The results will include a mix of media(i.e. images, videos) beyond pure text. This will further add to the quality of the results.

4. 搜索结果将包括多媒体信息(比如包含图片和视频等),不只包括纯文本信息。这将进一步改善搜索质量。

In addition to the fundamental changes above, there are a few other big changes happening in search:


1. People will search for information beyond search engines:YouTube is already the second-largest search engine after Google. Similarly, Facebook is increasinglytaking a share of searches online.

1. 除了专业的搜索引擎,还有很多网站提供搜索功能。比如Youtube就紧随谷歌其后,已成为全球第二大的搜索引擎。同样,脸谱网也在渐渐蚕食在线搜索的市场份额。

2. Search has already gone beyond your computer:Search on mobile devices (cell phone, iPad etc.) is gaining popularity and will continue to do so. For example, Twitter CEO Evan Williams wrote on the company blog recently that mobile usage of the site has gone up 62% in just over four months and 16% of all new Twitter users are starting out on mobile devices.

2. 现在,你不但可以在电脑上进行搜索,也可以在手机和iPad等移动设备上进行搜索。移动搜索正渐渐时髦起来,且这股趋势还会持续。例如,Twitter的首席执行官埃文•威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)最近在公司博客上写道,仅仅在四个月的时间里,在移动设备上登录使用微博的用户数增加了62%,在Twitter所有的新用户中,有16%的人是从手机上开始写微博的。

3. Search is instant now:With the launch of Instant Search by Google, the speed and the quality of search results will undergo a dramatic shift. And instant search is no longer limited to Google; a Stanford student, Feross Aboukhadijeh, has launched YouTube Instantto search videos on YouTube instantaneously. It was interesting to see one of our videos start playing automatically the moment I entered 'Digital Vidya' in the search box on YouTube Instant.

3. 搜索正变得更加即时:随着谷歌推出即时搜索(Instant Search)技术,搜索的速度和质量将有重大飞跃。即时搜索技术也不是谷歌独家专利,斯坦福大学一个叫Feross Aboukhadijeh的学生推出了基于YouTube的视频即时搜索技术YouTube Instant。有趣的是,我刚刚在YouTube Instant的搜索栏中键入关键字"Digital Vidya",符合条件的一个视频就自动开始播放了。

What does it mean for businesses that want to be found by their customers when searched by relevant keywords on search engines? Will it create new opportunities for businesses to be discovered beyond search engines? What new techniques and tools should a business adopt to win in this new search paradigm?


I will answer the above questions in my next article on social search. Feel free to share your thoughts, other relevant experiences and related questions in the Comments.


Pradeep Chopra