
  八年级英语下册Unit 8 Topic 1教学案例2

   Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。

   The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。

   Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

   1. Learn some new words and phrase:

   size, be made of, natural

   2. Learn useful expressions about choosing clothes.

   -What would you like to buy?

   -I'd like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.

   -What size do you wear?

   -Size M.

   It's made of natural materials.

   -What do you want to buy?

   -I'd like to buy a silk hat and a woolen dress.

   3. Master the usage of adverbial clauses of result.

   4. Size

   -What size do you wear?

   -Size M.

   5. Shopping

   Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


   Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

   Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)


   1. (复习上节课内容,叫学生描述所带家庭相片中家人所穿的服饰以及服饰的质地。)

   T: Now. It's time to check your homework. Have you brought your family photos?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Can you introduce your family to our classmates?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Who will be the volunteer? OK, please come to the front, and introduce your family to us.



   S1: This is my father. He's wearing a gray sweater and the sweater is made of wool. His shoes are made of leather. This is my mother. She is wearing a beautiful pink dress and the dress is made of cotton. Her scarf is made of silk ...



   2. (从介绍家人服装的学生手中留下几张适合本课教学的相片,抽出一张进行介绍。)

   T: Boys and girls, please look at the photo. Can you remember whose mother she is?

   Ss: Yes. She is ××'s mother.

   T: What is she wearing?

   Ss: She is wearing a sweater.


   T: What's it made of?

   Ss: It's made of wool.

   T: Yes, it's made of wool. You can also say it's a woolensweater.


   T: Please look at the blackboard and read after me.


   T: What's it?

   Ss: It's a handbag.

   T: Yes, it's a handbag. What's it made of ?


   T: It's made of leather. It's a leather handbag.


   (以此类推,呈现size, silk, windbreaker和natural materials。)


   It's a woolensweater. /′wJl[n/羊毛制的

   in a clothing shop

   It's a leather handbag. /′le T[/皮制的

   What size do you wear? /saIz/

   It's a silk windbreaker. /′wIndbreIk[/

   It's made of natural materials.


   T: Well done! Now we have learnt so many new words on the blackboard. Please look at the blackboard carefully. Can you still find any other words you don't know?

   Ss: Yes, there is a new word in these key words.

   T: Yes, follow me,"clothing".


   (教师把clothing, clothes, cloth写在黑板上,让学生说出它们之间的区别,然后教师归纳总结。)

   T: Who can tell me the differences among clothing, clothes and cloth?

   Ss: ...

   Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)


   1. (引入1a。)

   T: Great! We know that the clothes are made of different natural materials.

   T: Read after me, please,"natural materials".


   T: You know so many natural materials, but can you tell me what size do you wear? First, let me tell you the size of my coat. I wear size S/M/L.


   What size do you wear? 你穿多大号的?

   size S/M/L? (小号/中号/大号?)

   S1: I wear size S.

   S2: I wear size M.

   S3: I wear size L.



   T: That's fine. You know about your clothes well. But what about your friends Michael,

   Kangkang, Jane and Maria? Please listen to 1a and answer the following questions.

   What would Kangkang like to buy?

   What about Michael?

   What size does Michael wear?

   What does Jane want to buy?

   How about Maria?



   2. (让学生再听1a录音,看图片,独立完成1b。)

   T: Well, let's check the answers.

   SS: ...

   T: Very good. How clever you are!

   T: Now, open your books on page 79. Read the dialog in 1a aloud together.

   Ss: ...


   T: Please read the dialog again, and then find out the key words.

   Ss: OK.

   T: Let's begin.


   T: Are you ready?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Let's go through the dialog and find out the key words together.


   fashion show

   Kangkang - cotton pants and T-shirt

   Michael - windbreaker - Size M - natural materials

   Jane - silk hat and a woolen dress

   Maria - a leather jacket

   Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)



   T: How great! Let's go further in understanding the dialog. Please read the dialog together. After you read one sentence, I'll play the same sentence again on the tape. You can check your pronunciation and intonation.


   T: You have a better understanding of the dialog now. And make similar dialogs by using the key words. Later, I will let you act out your dialogs.


   T: Most of you can use the key words correctly. That's good enough. You can go further.

   Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)


   1. (让学生根据图片和提示语填空,完成1c,进一步巩固so ..., so ... that ... 和 ... so that ...的用法。)

   T: Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria are trying on the new clothes. Do you know how they feel? Look at the four pictures in 1c, and fill in the blanks according to the pictures.


   (1) We study English hard, our English teacher is very happy.

   (2) The price of the leather jacket is expensive I can't afford it.

   (3) Miss Wang planned very well her students enjoyed a good trip.

   2. (教师可把学生分成三组,做一个小游戏,寓教于乐,更好地理解结果状语从句的用法。 在左边列出Group 1造的任意的短句,在右边列出Group 2造的任意的短句。让学生用这三个结构把左边和右边连成一个句子,当然不是所有的句子都可以连接的,这样连接出来的句子有的就很搞笑,让学生在笑声中学会这三个结构的用法。)

   T: Now Group 1 and Group 2 make some sentences like these:


   I'm a student. He can reach the apple on the tree.

   He is tall. I must learn English well.

   ... ...

   T: Group 3 use"so...","so...that...", or"... so that..."to match the sentences on the left with those on the right.


   I'm a student so he can reach the apple on the tree.


   3. (完成2。教师先让学生把需要判断的句子读一遍,以便听2录音时有针对性,有利于培养学生捕捉细节的能力,促进听力水平的提高。)

   T: OK, let's come to 2. First, go through the sentences in 2. Then listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F).


   T: Now, tell me your answers.

   Ss: ...


   Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)


   1. (让学生调查班内五名学生最喜欢的服饰和服装的质地,填入下列表格中。)

   T: Make a survey about five of your classmates' favorite clothes and the materials of their clothes. Then fill out the form.

   Name Clothes Materials

   2. Homework:

   (用so ..., so ... that ... 和 ... so that ... 造句。至少5个。)

   Use"so ...","so ... that ..."and "... so that ..."to make sentences. At least five sentences.

   Ⅳ. 疑点探究

   afford v. "买得起,(有时间)做,能做"。通常与can, could或be able to 连用,尤用于

   否定句和疑问句。如:Can we afford a new car?

   affordable adj. 如:affordable prices/housing付得起的价格,买得起的住宅

  • woolen [´wulən] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.毛线的;毛织品的 四级词汇
  • sweater [´swetə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.毛线衫 四级词汇
  • presentation [,prezən´teiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.介绍;赠送;提出 四级词汇
  • dialog [´daiəlɔg] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.对话 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  八年级  八年级英语