
Discussing Insurance


Situation 情境描述

Joanna Wood is talking to David about the insurance of a product order.


Dialogue 对话

Joanna: Hi, this is Joanna Wood. I'm calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you requested for your order.

David: I believe that we requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value.

Joanna: Yes, that's right. We have no problem complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.

David: Yeah, but in the past, we've really been put in a bind because of damaged goods.

Joanna: I understand your concern. However, usual coverage for goods of this type is the total invoice amount plus only ten percent.

David: We could feel more comfortable, though, with twenty-five percent.

Joanna: Unfortunately, we will have to charge you extra if you want the increase in coverage.

David: But wasn't insurance included in the quote?

Joanna: That quote involved normal coverage. We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.

David: OK. Thanks. I'll check it out. It may turn out to be cheaper on this end.

乔安娜: 嗨,我是乔安娜·伍德。我打电话来是想商讨一下你们所要求的订单承保级别。

大卫: 我想我们要求的是超过发票面额25%的额度。


大卫: 是的,但过去我们确曾因受损货物而遇上麻烦。


大卫: 不过,要是25%的话,我们会比较安心。


大卫: 但保险不是已经包含在报价里面了吗?


大卫: 好。谢谢。我会去问问的。结果可能是我们这边比较便宜。


"保险"其实是一个备援计划,毕竟意外(accident)或不测(eventuality)谁也预料不到,通过保险可以让损失减至最低。不过,保险毕竟还是一项支出,因此相关人员必须衡量出适当的承保范围、保险额度以及是否全额给付(full settlement)。以下列出一些与保险有关的词汇:

insurance coverage 保险额度

burglary insurance 盗窃险

transportation insurance 运输险

valuation 估价

indemnity 赔偿


1. comply with 依照;顺从

comply /k9m`plai/ vi.顺从;服从

"comply with (something)"是指"按(某种要求、指令)去做"。

The factory was unable to comply with our instructions.


2. in a bind 陷入困境

口语中,"bind"可作"困扰"解,所以"in a bind"意为"陷入困境",亦可用"in a jam"替换。

When the baby-sitter cancelled this afternoon, she really put me in a bind.


3. turn out 结果是......

这个短语是指"最后结果变成......;最后证明为......"。口语中常说"turn out all right",意思是"结局圆满"。

It turns out that Tim got the highest exam grade.


4. on this end 我们这边

"end"在此是指"端;边",商用英文中常以"on this end"或"on our end"来表示"我方;我们这边"。

There's no new information to report on this end. What about on your end?

  • calling [´kɔ:liŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.点名;职业;欲望 六级词汇
  • valuation [,vælju´eiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.估价;价值;重要性 六级词汇
  • indemnity [in´demniti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.赔偿;保护,保险 六级词汇
  • comply [kəm´plai] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.照做 四级词汇