

Love is blind, said Shakespeare. Now it seems there may be some truth in the bard's words.

Researchers have found that people who are in love pay less visual attention to attractive people of the opposite sex.

Jon Maner at Florida State University in Tallahassee, US, and colleagues asked 57 students in heterosexual relationships to write about occasions they felt extreme love towards their partner. Another 56 students wrote about feeling extreme happiness.

The students then viewed 500 microsecond flashes of 60 photos, comprising equal numbers of highly attractive men, highly attractive women, average-looking men, and average-looking women.

As the faces disappeared, a square or a circle appeared elsewhere on the screen. The students were instructed to identify the object as quickly as possible - a measure of a person's visual attention at a subconscious level.

Students primed with thoughts of love took significantly less time to identify shapes after viewing an attractive face of the opposite sex, compared with those who had written essays on happiness.

Repulsive beauty

"We found that when people just thought about being in love with their current partner, their visual attention got repelled, rather than grabbed, by an attractive member of the opposite sex," says Maner. The finding may help explain why those in love do not seek out other, perhaps better, mates.

"[The repulsion] happens at the very initial stages of visual processing, at the very first moment they are aware of the photo," says Maner.

Previous studies had suggested that people in committed relationships put less value on potentialalternative partners. For example, they will claim to find potentialalternative partners less attractive than single people do.

But what has been unclear - until now - is whether that is what they really think, or whether they are trying to convince themselves that they have made the right choice. In the current study, the repulsive affect was so rapid, that the students would not have been able to exert conscious control over it.

Evolutionary advantage

Only attractive potential partners appear to have the repelling affect, as the two groups of students took the same time to identify the shapes when viewing average-looking faces, or faces of the same sex.

"Psychologists have long had a problem explaining the functions of romantic love: a very strong emotion that sometimes seems to take over our lives and lead to what appear to be irrational feelings and actions," says Joseph Forgas, a social psychologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.

"What these studies suggest is that romantic love serves a very important function, tempering our natural desire to pay attention to, and to continuously seek out, the best available mate," he says.

A subconscious repulsion by attractive members of the opposite sex could have evolved because committed relationships may provide a reproductive advantage by improving the chances that offspring survive.



美国塔拉哈西佛罗里达州立大学的Jon Maner及其同事们曾让57名学生写下在异性关系中让他们产生炙热爱恋情绪的情况并让另外56名学生描述他们极致开心的状态。

接着,他们安排学生观看了一个500微秒, 60张照片的动画,里面包括相同数量极具魅力或长相普通的男女。










悉尼新南威尔士大学的社会心理学家Joseph Forga 认为,"浪漫爱情是种强烈的情绪,这种情绪有时会掌控我们的全部生活甚至引起一些看似不合理的情绪和行为。长期以来,心理学家一直都苦于不知如何给其作用下定义。"


  • alternative [ɔ:l´tə:nətiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.二中选一的 n.选择 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • psychologist [sai´kɔlədʒist] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.心理学家 六级词汇
  • continuously [kən´tinjuəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.连续(不断)地 四级词汇