
过往业绩并不能保障未来的结果。"北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)金融学教授亚当·里德(Adam Reed)表示,这句金融产品附属细则中无处不在的话常常被人们当成耳边风。他援引大量研究称:"投资者往往会涌入那些前一年位居业绩排行榜前列的基金。"

'Past performance is no guarantee of future results.'



This phrase, ubiquitous in the small print of financial products, often falls on deaf ears, according to Adam Reed, a finance professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 'Investors have a tendency to rush into those funds that are at the top of the previous year's performance rankings,' he says, citing numerous studies.

假设有一个投资组合,从每年1月1日开始追随《赫伯特金融文摘》(Hulbert Financial Digest)追踪的逾500种投资通讯中前一年业绩最佳的那家通讯所推荐的策略。在过去二十年里,该投资组合会陷入一场灾难,平均每年损失17%。


They shouldn't. The evidence is that last year's top performers will lag behind the market in 2014--if not lose a lot of money.

让我们来看看《赫伯特金融文摘》评出的2013年回报率最高的投资组合:约翰·麦卡曼特(John McCamant)编辑的《医学技术股通讯》(Medical Technology Stock Letter)的"交易员投资组合"(Traders Portfolio)。通过投资新兴生物技术公司,该投资组合2013年回报率达到216%。而标准普尔500指数同年包括派息在内的回报率为32%。


You should instead be focusing on strategies with superior track records over far longer than just the last 12 months. More like 15 years, in fact.



Consider a hypothetical portfolio that, each Jan. 1, began following the strategy espoused by the investment newsletter that--among the more than 500 tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest--had the best record over the previous year. Over the past two decades, this portfolio would have been a disaster, losing an average 17% a year.



Such a 'follow the winners' strategy didn't trail the S&P 500 every year. But in the majority of years it did, and in a handful of cases it suffered huge losses. That is because one-year performance rankings will almost always be dominated by high-risk strategies that hit it big. When they don't pan out, those same strategies also can lose big.

请看谢尔登·雅各布斯(Sheldon Jacobs)在1992年年初引入的一项策略,雅各布斯当时是一本名为《免佣基金投资者》(No-Load Fund Investor)的投资通讯的编辑。该投资组合每年都追随前一年业绩最佳,且无需销售佣金就能购买的多元化美国股票共同基金。


Take the portfolio with the best 2013 return, according to the Hulbert Financial Digest: the 'Traders Portfolio' of the Medical Technology Stock Letter, edited by John McCamant. It gained 216% in 2013 by investing in emerging biotechnology companies. The S&P 500, by contrast, returned 32%, including dividends.

2003年,马克·扎尔青格(Mark Salzinger)接替雅各布斯担任《免佣基金投资者》的编辑,他表示,令人失望的业绩是他决定不再在该通讯上力推这种策略的原因。


When judged by the volatility of its returns, a common measure of risk, the portfolio has been more than three times riskier than the market as a whole. Its worst single calendar-year performance, in 2008, was a loss of 68%, versus a loss of 37% for the S&P 500 index, assuming dividends were reinvested.



Mr. McCamant, in a telephone interview, acknowledged the volatility inherent in the biotech sector, though he added that, in the future, he will be 'doing his best to manage that volatility.' He says that 'biotech stocks are one of the premier growth sectors going forward,' and that even though another 216% gain in 2014 is unrealistic to expect, 'a triple-digit gain is still achievable.'

《赫伯特金融文摘》所监控的15年回报率最佳的投资通讯是《转机投资通讯》(Turnaround Letter),由乔治·帕特南(George Putnam)编辑。该通讯关注已不受市场青睐,但帕特南认为拥有诱人长期潜力的股票。其投资组合模型在过去15年里产生的平均年化回报率为14.2%,而标准普尔500指数在假设将派息再投资的情况下年化回报率为4.7%。

最近,帕特南的买进名单中新增股票包括数据存储公司EMC、金融服务公司PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust和水务管理公司Layne Christensen。

So does the 'first shall be last' pattern mean you should instead follow the lead of the worst performer of the previous year? Absolutely not. A portfolio that did that over the past 20 years would have lost even more than the follow-the-winners strategy.

基金追踪机构理柏(Lipper)的数据显示,15年回报率最佳的美国多元化股票共同基金是特纳新兴成长基金(Turner Emerging Growth Fund),该基金年费用比率为1.4%,即每投资10,000美元收取140美元的运营费用。通过投资小盘股,该基金在过去15年里实现了17.6%的年化回报率。

目前该基金持仓量最大的股票是Huron Consulting Group(该公司为面临财务危机的机构提供咨询服务)、Middleby(生产食品服务设备)和Cracker Barrel Old Country Store(连锁餐馆)。

That shouldn't be particularly surprising, since the bottom of the one-year performance rankings also will be dominated by risky strategies whose bets didn't work out.


Mark Hulbert