
百闻不如一见 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn

百闻不如一见 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn


In the Han Dynasty, foreign tribes often attacked the region of Han. The emperor wanted to ask an old general surnamed Zhao to go out to battle. But he was already over seventy. The emperor sent somebody to ask him if he could go on an expedition. With confidence, General Zhao answered, "I'm the best person to do it". Then the emperor sent another person to ask him, "Please evaluate the situation of the enemy. How are their armed forces, and how many troops should we deploy?" General Zhao answered, "Seeing is believing. It's difficult to evaluate the enemy's military situation. So let me formulate a strategy after I go to the frontier."He requested the emperor to assign the task to him and not to be worried. The emperor agreed with a smile. Later, he led troops to fight against the enemy and gained a complete victory.


侵犯:(qīnfàn) v. to violate

出征:(chūzhēng) v. to go into battle

自信:(zìxìn) adj. self-confident

合适:(héshì) adj. appropriate

估计:(gūjì) v. to estimate

策略:(cèlüè) n. strategy

大获全胜:(dà huò quán shèng) gain a complete victory



The literal meaning of this phrase is that it's better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times. People gain a deeper impression of something by seeing it for themselves rather than just hearing about it. Metaphorically, conclusions should be made after survey and research.


Seeing is believing. If you visit Shanghai to have a look for yourself, you will know what great changes have taken place there.

The real Tibet is totally different from what I imagined. Seeing truly is believing!