
小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn yì yì

小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn yì yì


There was a knowledgeable person named Jia Huangzhong. He began to study with his father when he was five. He passed all three examinations held by the government when he was 15 and became an official. Jiang Huangzhong was an upright official. In one year people suffered from a famine. He let people cook with his own rice and saved thousands of people. Once he found dozens of cases full of treasure. He reported to the government immediately. The emperor was very pleased, praised him for his loyalty and praised his mother for raising such a good son.


However, Jia Huangzhong was too cautious, and could not make a prompt decision when facing major events. Later he was sent to be an official in another city. When he paid a farewell visit to the emperor, the emperor advised him that, "Both the emperor and the officials should be careful. However, if you are too cautious, you might lose the status and dignity of being an official. "


进士:( jìn shì) n. a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations

灾荒:( zāihuāng) n.disaster

朝廷:( cháotíng) n. the royal or imperial court

当机立断:( dāng jī lì duàn) v. to make a prompt decision

谨慎:(jǐnshèn) adj. careful


        "小心翼翼" 形容举动十分谨慎,一点不敢疏忽。

"小心翼翼" means that one is very carefully and dares not to overlook.


There are many vehicles on the street. Even a normal person has to be careful when crossing the street. Let alone the blind.

I packed his belongings carefully and was afraid of breaking them.