
A $17.6 million mansion. An executive-producing gig for a Best Picture Oscar nominee. And a jet purchase enshrined in the Guinness Book of World Records. Serial entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks basketball owner Mark Cuban has made some bold moves to build his multibillion dollar entertainment and sporting empire. Here's how he got there in 12 steps, according to the man himself.

他拥有一栋1,760万美元的豪宅。他担任执行制作人的一部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名。他购买一架喷气式客机的交易被记入了《吉尼斯世界纪录》(Guinness Book of World Records)。曾多次创业的美职篮达拉斯小牛队(Dallas Mavericks)老板马克•库班(Mark Cuban)为打造他市值数十亿美元的娱乐和体育王国采取过一些大胆的举动。下面是他自己说的走到今天这一步所迈出的12步。

1. At age 12, sells boxes of garbage bags for $6 door-to-door to pay for expensive basketball shoes. 'Everything has a price,' he says his dad told him. 'It took effort to earn the money to meet that price.'

1. 12岁那年,为了买一双价格不菲的篮球鞋,他曾以每盒六美元的价格挨家挨户推销盒装垃圾袋。库班说他爸爸曾对他说,任何东西都是有价的,要想赚到足够支付这一价格的钱,你就得付出努力。

2. Pays for his college education by selling stamps, teaching disco moves to sororities, bartending and starting a chain letter. Graduates with a B.A. from Indiana University in 1981.

2.为了支付大学学费,他曾卖过邮票,教女生联谊会成员跳迪斯科,当过酒吧侍应,还曾第一个寄出一封连锁信。他1981年毕业于印第安纳大学(Indiana University),获得了文学士学位。

3. Gets fired from a software sales job after nine months because he shirked his duties to build his own clientele.


4. Starts MicroSolutions to sell computer operating systems. Takes no vacations for seven years.

4. 创办了销售电脑操作系统软件的公司MicroSolutions。他曾有七年时间没有休假。

5. Sells MicroSolutions in 1990 for $6 million. Retires at age 30. Buys a lifetime pass from American Airlines.

5.1990年,他以600万美元的价格出售了MicroSolutions。在30岁那年退休。从美国航空公司(American Airlines)购买了一张终身机票。

6. Ends retirement in 1995. 'I was itching for something to do.' Shares of his new firm, Broadcast.com, jump 249 percent in first day as public firm