
A Russian company has invented what it calls a "virtual fitting room", which allows shoppers to "try on" clothes without getting undressed.
When shoppers stand before the screen, the "virtual fitting room" will project a 3D image of the item of clothing onto them. What's more, if the fashionistas want to switch clothes, without any moving, they only need to swish their hand on virtual buttons on the screen.
Russian shoppers in a Moscow branch of high street chain Top Shop were the first to road test the technology.
The company has used game-playing software,Xbox 360 console and Kinect motion-sensor technology to create the invention. The Kinect camera is able to monitor the customer's movements and tell when they turn around in order to show them the back of the garment too.
The innovative Kinect technology, which was invented as a motion-sensing peripheral for the Xbox 360 games console, will be further improved.
The "virtual changing room" revolutionizes the high street shopping experience.



俄国的购物者们在欧洲时装品牌Top Shop位于莫斯科的旗舰店首次体验了这项新科技。

该项发明利用了游戏软件、Xbox 360 操控台以及微软的 Kinect体感外设技术。Kinect摄像头能够监测顾客的动作,在顾客转身时做出分辨,并将衣服的背面展示给试衣者。

