
Researchers have found that violence adds nothing to youngsters' enjoyment of TV shows.
They found that children who watched cartoons liked those without violent scenes and enjoyed them.
Children do not apparently enjoy violent cartoons such as Tom and Jerry and the Simpsons.
A team of behavioural scientists at Indiana University challenged the conventional view held by television producers, who hope to achieve higher ratings with children's programmes featuring ever-increasing levels of violence.
A sample group of 128 school children, ranging from five to 11 years old, was used by the researchers to conduct the study.
Each child was shown one of four versions of a five-minute animated short created for the study, and then led them through a questionnaire.
They found that the violent content had an indirectnegative effect on whether boys enjoyed a programme.
Andrew Weaver, an assistant professor of telecommunications in the university's College of Arts and Sciences, said in journal Media Psychology: "You don't have to cram violence into these cartoons to get kids to like them. They'll like them without the violence, just as much if not more."
The results of the study may come as some surprise to those who grew up watching cat and mouse cartoon Tom and Jerry.
However,for many producers and media critics, the question is not if children love violence, but rather why children love violence.
Some of the findings suggest that as many as 70 percent of children's television shows containviolent content.








