
We live in an age of instantcelebrity and frenetic branding. Companies repeatedly re-brand and change their logos, often at great expense and frequently to no good effect. The Holy Grail is to achieveenduring and immediate recognizability. The ultimateaspiration is to match the Coca-Cola logo (invented in 1886) and bottle (designed in 1915), or to emulate the more recent golden 'M' of MacDonald's (1968) and the 'swoosh' of Nike (1971).


In my recent book, 'Christ to Coke. How Image Becomes Icon', I look at 11 representative images from art, politics, the commercial world and science that have achieved the highest level of iconic status. Is there a magic formula for branders? If I could I would keep it secret, and sell my services very very expensively! But there is no sure-fire formula; no fixed set of characteristics that ensure success. However, we can learn varied and complex lessons from the extraordinary life stories of mega-successful images.

在我的新作《从基督到可口可乐:图像如何成为标识》(Christ to Coke. How Image Becomes Icon)中,我从艺术、政治、商业和科学领域中抽取了11个最广为流传且具有代表性的知名标识。品牌标识的设计有没有成功秘诀?如果有的话,我会绝对保密,并以非常昂贵的价格来提供咨询服务。遗憾的是,在这方面没有一劳永逸的方程式,没有百发百中的固定模式。不过,我们可以从一些品牌设计获得巨大成功的真实故事中,学到各不相同的深层次经验。

1. What is an iconic image? Iconic images transcend time, place and even original function.


'Iconic' is now a much over-used word. Somebody who is passingly famous is described as iconic. The images with which I am concerned are more than just very famous. They have an astonishing degree of universal recognition, taking on diverse meanings as they are transmitted across cultures. The most indelible of them act as cult objects.


The earliest icons were generated to serve religious devotion. Eikon, the Greek word for image, entered modern currency as the name for the authorized images of Christ and the saints in Orthodox Christianity. This devotional aspect persists in many later icons. In the 'posterized' portrait by Jim Fitzpatrick, Che Guevara has been transformed over the years from a Soviet-style Communist revolutionary into a saintly martyr for idealistic youth.

最早的标识主要用于宗教崇拜。原教旨基督教(Orthodox Christianity)将耶稣与圣徒的正式形象统称为Eikon(希腊语中对"圣像"的称呼,英语的icon就是从其衍生而来),这种崇拜特征在许多后来的知名标识中不断出现。以吉姆•菲兹帕特里(Jim Fitzpatrick)创作的切•格瓦拉(Che Guevara)海报式肖像画为例,随着时间的推移,切•格瓦拉的形象已从一个苏式共产主义革命者,变为追求理想主义的年轻人心目中一个神圣的殉道者。

Rulers and dominant entities typically go to great lengths to establish an authoritative image, redolent of their supreme power and ubiquitous presence. Sometimes a symbolic proxy does the job, like the regal lion, which was adopted by MGM as the snarling emblem of their Hollywood kingdom.


Even the icons of modern science, DNA and E=mc², have acquired a quasi-religious dimension, as arcane formulations intoned by the high priests of genetics and physics. The more science itself becomes inaccessible to most of us, the more the status of the priesthood is enhanced. The older Einstein, with his halo of wild white hair, plays the role of prophet superbly.


2. Types There are distinct types of iconic image. I group them roughly into 11 types in 'Christ to Coke'.


The 'rules' that apply to each type are somewhat different. The Coke bottle obviously does not work in the same way as Nick Ut's harrowing photograph of the napalmed girl fleeing in heat-seared agony along Route 1 in Vietnam. Oddly, a photograph can achieve the highest fame without our ever knowing name of the author.

不同种类的知名标识所适用的"规则"不一样。可口可乐经典玻璃瓶与国际摄影大师黄功吾(Nick Ut)的摄影作品《战火中的女孩》(Napalm Girl)中那个被固体燃烧弹击中、沿着越南1号公路在烧灼中痛叫奔跑的越南女孩相比,成功的原因显然是不同的。令人惊奇的是,这张照片不需要大众了解创作者的姓名,就能获得最高的知名度。

The Mona Lisa would hardly have reached its dominant position amongst iconic paintings independently of its artist's name. Would Dan Brown's book