
Google Inc. is building a music-download store that would work closely with its Google+ social network and could launch it within the next two weeks, according to people familiar with the matter.

据知情人士说,谷歌(Google Inc.)正在构建一个音乐下载商店,该店将与Google+社交网站密切合作,并可能在未来两周内推出。

Users of Google Music, as the service is tentatively named, could recommend songs in an online library to Google+ contacts, who in turn would be allowed to listen to those songs once free of charge. The songs would then be available for sale as MP3 downloads, probably for around the usual 99 cents each.

该服务暂定名为"谷歌音乐"(Google Music),其用户可以向Google+中的联系人推荐一个在线曲库中的歌曲,这些联系人可以免费收听一次推荐歌曲。之后推荐歌曲则可以通过MP3下载歌曲的形式销售,售价可能与每首0.99美元的通常价格差不多。

Digital-music services from Spotify AB and Research In Motion Ltd., too, have recently begun using social networking as a word-of-mouth marketing vehicle. It is too early to know how successful these efforts are at recruiting new customers and retaining existing ones, people in the music industry say, but they add that early signs are encouraging.

Spotify AB和Research In Motion Ltd.的数字音乐服务最近也开始使用社交网站作为口碑宣传工具。音乐界业内人士说,这些举措在吸引新客户、留住老客户方面能有多成功,这一点还有待观察。但他们也说,初步的迹象令人鼓舞。

Google's online library is already up and running under the name Music Beta. A free service, it lets users upload their music collections to remote servers, from which they can then listen to their music from any Internet-connected device.

谷歌在线曲库已经建立起来并开始提供服务,暂定名"音乐测试版"(Music Beta)。这是一项免费服务,它使用户可以向远程服务器上传自己的音乐曲集,之后用户可以通过任何一个可以上网的设备从服务器上收听自己的音乐。

Executives at Google have told people in the music industry that they plan to start the music-download service this week or next week, even though they are unlikely to secure the rights to sell music from at least two of the four major label groups in time. The song-recommendation feature would work only for music released by record labels with Google agreements in place.


Launching a music service without the participation of all four major label companies can be risky. Users can get turned off quickly if they can't find an artist or a song they want, and the majors distribute more than 87% of the music sold in the U.S.


The issue is important enough that most online music services, from Apple Inc.'s iTunes Store in 2003 to Spotify this year, have waited to launch until they had the four of the big music companies on board.

这个问题很重要,以至于大部分在线音乐服务都是等到与四大唱片公司签订了协议后才开始销售的,从2003年苹果的iTunes Store到今年的Spotify都是如此。

Ethan Smith

文章标签:下载  谷歌