
Smoke poured into the airplane cabin and activity came to a screeching halt. As the captain yelled 'Evacuate! Evacuate!' passengers did what comes naturally: They froze.


The 'emergency,' staged with theatrical smoke in a full-motion airline cabin simulator, was part of an unusual British Airways safety course. Sixteen travelers from some of the airline's top corporate customers and its advertisingagencypracticed jumping down evacuation slides, opening heavy airplane doors and scampering out smoke-filled crashed cabins. They also learned simple tips that could save lives.

这次"紧急状况"是在一个全动态客舱模拟器中用舞台上的烟雾制造出来的效果,是英国航空公司(British Airways)特别安全培训课程的一部分。来自英国航空公司部分主要企业客户及其广告公司的16名乘客练习了如何跳下撤离滑梯,打开沉重的舱门以及迅速逃离烟雾弥漫的失事机舱。他们还学习了一些简单的逃生技巧。

'The ones who think about what they'd do are the ones who get out first,' said Geof Fearon, one of the BA instructors.

来自英国航空的培训师杰夫·费伦(Geof Fearon)称,最先逃出的是那些事先想到该怎么办的人。

Statistically, a majority of accidents are survivable, but hesitation can kill or result in injury. An analysis of 283 accidents world-wide in which there were fatalities found that only 31% of passengers survived, according to a 2008 study by the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority.

从统计数据来看,在大多数空难中都是有人生还的,但犹豫不决会致人死亡或者受伤。在2008年的一项研究中,英国民航局(U.K. Civil Aviation Authority)dui全球283起致人死亡的飞机事故进行了分析,结果发现乘客生还率仅为31%。

In the precious first moments after a crash, when experts say a half-second head start can get you to an aisle first, the most basic elements of human character are revealed. Some instincts help survival and others hinder escape. Some people are panicked into pushing, shoving and fighting. For many, the brain shuts down and they are slow to react. That's why practice and familiarity can help. Balking at the top of a three-story evacuation slide can lead to a push, sending you cart-wheeling down and resulting in broken ankles. Research shows even practicing with the seat belt latch can help quicken escape. On average, 6% of passengers in an evacuation get delayed by seat-belt struggles, the CAA study found.


When a 737 collided with another plane on a runway at Los Angeles International Airport in 1991, 10 passengers died of smoke inhalation queued up at an over-wing emergency exit. They had a difficult time opening the escape door, survivors said, and two got into a scuffle, slowing the evacuation.

1991年,洛杉矶国际机场(Los Angeles International Airport)有一架波音737飞机在跑道上与另一架飞机相撞,有10名乘客在机翼上紧急出口处因吸入烟雾丧生。幸存者称,他们费了很大的力气才打开逃生门,还有两个人扭打了起来,减慢了撤离速度。

On the US Airways Hudson River landing in 2009, only 10 of 150 passengers thought to grab a life jacket before evacuating, and only about half took a seat cushion for floatation, according to the National Transportation Safety Board's report. All survived.

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)报告显示,2009年全美航空公司(US Airways)一架飞机在哈得孙河(Hudson River)迫降时,全机150名乘客中只有10名想到带着救生衣撤离,只有大约一半的乘客带了座椅坐垫作漂浮物。这场事故中所有人都得以生还。

British Airways started a one-day emergency safety course for passengers five years ago at the request of oil company BP, which has lots of employees flying around the world. Other companies, many of them energy concerns that send workers into undeveloped parts of the world, began sending groups of road warriors to the course.


It seems odd that an airline would want to train people to deal with catastrophe, but British Airways believes the course engenders customerloyalty and helps calm nervous fliers. The airline plans to open up the course, which costs about $210, to individual travelers next year, possibly letting passengers redeem frequent-flier miles to attend. About 11,000 people have gone through the class so far.


'We teach people to react faster than anyone else so they are in the aisle first and down the slide first,' said Andy Clubb, a British Airways flight-attendant trainer who conceived of and runs the passenger course.

这套乘客培训课程是由英国航空乘务员培训师安迪·克拉布(Andy Clubb)策划和运作的。他表示,"我们要教大家怎样比别人反应更快,让他们能最先到达飞机走道,并最先滑下滑梯。"

But it's not simply survival of the fittest. Other passengers seeing someone react positively will quickly follow, and the prepared passengers become leaders, making the entire evacuation faster.


The primary lesson: Spend two minutes before takeoff formulating your own emergency plan so you will be prepared and instead of freezing or panicking. Count how many rows you are from exits, in front and behind you, so you'll know when you reach an exit if you are crawling blindly on a floor underneath layers of smoke.


The course, held in BA's crew-training facility at London's Heathrow Airport, rotates participants through drills in different cabin mockups. In one simulated emergency, participants listened to standard pre-takeoff briefings and, like typical travelers, ignored the safety briefing from flight attendants. As the simulator mimicked takeoff, smoke poured into the cabin.

这项课程是在位于伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport)的英国航空机组训练设施内进行的,参加者轮流在不同的机舱实体模型中进行演练。在其中一个模拟的紧急场景中,参加者收听了标准的起飞前注意事项。但和一般旅客一样,他们都没有认真听空乘人员讲解的安全须知。在进入模拟起飞状态时,烟雾涌进了机舱。

Flight attendants began yelling for passengers to undo seat belts and then come toward them. They did, even if they were sitting next to an over-wing door.


Over-wing doors are passenger-operated. No one tells you to open them. 'I try to get the exit row for the extra legroom, but I'd be reluctant to open that door unless I was told. This opened my eyes to that one,' said Aiden Whitty, a travel booker for Thomson Reuters, a media company.

翼上紧急出口舱门是由乘客操作的,没有人会告知乘客打开舱门。传媒公司汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的旅行预订员艾登·惠蒂(Aiden Whitty)说,我喜欢坐在靠出口那一排,因为空间大一点可以伸伸腿,但如果没有人让我打开舱门,我是不会去做的。这次培训让我在这方面长见识了。

Smoke training was the most important exercise. In a smoke chamber heated to simulate real conditions, participants stood up in a cabin filling with smoke and realized how quickly they became disoriented. The more they moved around, the more the smoke distributed through the cabin -- like stirring a pot. Drop down low and get out fast.


'It is possibly one of the most frightening things you will ever experience,' said Sue Thorne, another of the British Airways flight-training staff.

英国航空另一位飞行培训师苏·索恩(Sue Thorne)称,这有可能是你经历的最可怕的事情之一。

Mr. Clubb said statistically, seats within five rows of an exit are the most survivable. One study of four accidents involving 737 and DC-9 aircraft found the mean travel distance for survivors was 2.89 seat rows. The distance to the nearest exit for fatalities was 5.31 seat rows, according to the U.K. aviation authority. Also, aisle seats have historically had more survivors than other seats.


When the class practicedopeningemergency-exit doors, participants were surprised at how heavy the things were -- about 40 pounds for a 737 over-wing door -- and hard to maneuver.


'I'm one of those people who doesn't look at the safety briefing card. I can't think of the number of times I've sat in the emergency exit row and never considered the responsibility,' said Paula Wilson, who works for a financial consulting firm in London.

在伦敦一家金融咨询公司工作的保拉·威尔逊(Paula Wilson)称,我也是个不看飞机安全须知卡的人。我已经记不清自己有多少次坐在应急出口边那一排座位上了,但我从来没有考虑过自己的责任。

