
Many diners put considerable thought into the best wines to pair with their meals. Hayley Jensen, beer sommelier at Taproom No. 307, a bar/restaurant in New York City, believes a carefully chosen beer can also enhance the flavor of a dish.

When picking beer for a meal, Ms. Jensen starts by examining the tastes and textures in the dish first. Stronger tastes often call for fuller-flavored beers, for example.

多人就餐时都会斟酌哪种葡萄酒和他们的菜品最搭配,纽约市Taproom No. 307酒吧餐厅的啤酒侍酒师哈丽·詹森(Hayley Jensen)则认为,精心挑选的啤酒也能让菜的味道更丰富。

With spicy cuisines like Indian and Thai, she likes India pale ales and other 'hoppy' beers, whose flavor is somewhat bitter, herb-tinged and complex. 'You want a real hoppiness to combat that spice,' Ms. Jensen says. Such beers also work with burgers and steaks that have been touched up with jalapenos or tangy mustards. She cites Butternuts Porkslap, a pale ale with ginger that she says 'really complements zesty sauces.'


Also, Ms. Jensen sometimes pairs spicy food with beers that are 'citrusy' or have coriander or ginger scents. For example, Ms. Jensen likes to pair the Allagash White beer, a Belgian-style witbier from Allagash Brewing Co. in Portland, Maine, with Asian-inflected dishes, because the beer has tinges of orange and coriander that stand up well to sesame or ginger. 'A tasteless lager would just be washed away by the bolder flavors,' she notes.

如果是辛辣的菜式如印度菜、泰国菜,詹森喜欢用印度的淡色麦酒或其他"有啤酒花苦味"的啤酒,它们的味道有点苦、带有淡淡的香草味,有点复杂。詹森说,"你需要真正的有啤酒花苦味的啤酒来和辣味抗衡。"这样的啤酒还能搭配加了墨西哥胡椒或浓芥茉的汉堡和牛排。詹森推荐Butternuts Porkslap啤酒,这种带姜味的淡色浓麦酒和味道刺激的调味酱相得益彰。

With heavier meats or roasted foods that have a slight char, Ms. Jensen likes to choose beers that have a rich, 'roasted,' earthy flavor. Rye beers are her favorites for such dishes because they tend to be 'full-bodied and zesty,' says Ms. Jensen. For instance, she used to pair a Cane and Ebel Rye Ale from Two Brothers Brewing Co. in Warrenville, Ill., for a dish of pork sausage with mushrooms, onion, bacon and lentils at DBGB Kitchen and Bar, where she once worked, because the beer has 'a pepperiness that tasted like a quick grind of black pepper.'

詹森有时还用带有橘味、芫荽味或生姜味的啤酒搭配辣味食物,例如她喜欢用Allagash White啤酒(缅因州波特兰市Allagash Brewing Co.生产的比利时白啤酒)配亚洲风味的菜式,因为啤酒中橘子和芫荽的气味镇得住菜中的香油或生姜的味道。她说,"寡味的淡啤酒的味道会被菜的烈味完全掩盖掉。"

Smoky grilled meats can be paired with a lager that has a subtly smoky finish, such as Aecht Schlenkerla Helles Lager, a light lager from Germany.

口味较重的肉食或略有些焦的烧烤食物,詹森爱选富含烘培味道的啤酒,黑麦啤酒是她配这些菜时的最爱,因为它们更醇厚更有味。比如她曾经工作的DBGB Kitchen and Bar餐厅有一道菜是猪肉肠配蘑菇、洋葱、腌肉和小扁豆,她就常用伊利诺伊州沃伦维尔市(Warrenville)的Two Brothers Brewing Co.公司生产的Cane and Ebel黑麦淡啤酒与之相配,这是因为这种啤酒有胡椒味,喝起来有一种现磨的黑胡椒的味道。

The texture of the beer is important to consider as well. Oysters work well with creamy stouts, as the smooth feeling of the beer complements the buttery mouth feel of the oysters, Ms. Jensen says. At the same time, the velvety stout acts as a palate-cleanser, balancing the briny taste of the oyster.

熏烤过的肉可以搭配有稍些烟熏味的贮陈啤酒,例如德国的Aecht Schlenkerla Helles贮陈啤酒。

While one might not think of drinking beer with dessert, Ms. Jensen says some roasted malt beers, which have an intense, almost chocolate-like taste, work well with hearty sweets such as a chocolate brownie topped with ice cream and caramel sauce.


The choice of glass is important for beers served with a meal, says Ms. Jensen, who favors Spiegelau glasses, which she says have a good heft to them without being too heavy.


Ms. Jensen makes sure that the glass is of the right temperature. It shouldn't be so hot that it warms your beer instantly, but it shouldn't be frosted. 'Ice crystals can take carbonation away from your beer,' she says.


And before she starts eating, Ms. Jensen always pauses to have a little taste of the beer first. 'You need to let it penetrate your palate,' she says. Only after savoring the taste of her beer for a few seconds does she take her first bite.


Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan